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do you guys like the javascript code

here is the updated version

Top comments (6)

cdoubleutj profile image

Yeah, I like it. But you could improve it by using requestAnimationFrame instead of setInterval because it is much more precise and even handles frame drops. That way it will look smoother.

Grüße aus Rostock ;)

emilio-lizarraga profile image

thank you i will code that in a bit

emilio-lizarraga profile image

so i just going to get rid of the javascript and just make it an HTML so ja that's going to happen

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emilio-lizarraga profile image

also um any other suggestions

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cdoubleutj profile image
Cdoubleutj • Edited

I think another cool thing would be to attach something like a moon to the planet that is orbiting the sun and let that moon orbit the planet. That way it will look like a planetary system. You could achieve this by creating position objects that hold x and y values and reference the position object of planet as anchor in moon. Because objects in javascript are passed by reference, you can then change the position of planet each frame (wich also changes the moon anchor because it is referencing the same object)

Take a look at this jsfiddle i made :)
Orbit Demo

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emilio-lizarraga profile image

That is a good idea also the is really cool