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Majid Kareem
Majid Kareem

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10 Youtube channels to enhance your skills as a frontend developer

If you are a frontend developer or aspiring to become one, you might be looking for some resources to improve your skills and learn new techniques. YouTube is a great platform to find tutorials, tips, and inspiration from experts and peers in the field. Here are 10 YouTube channels that can help you enhance your frontend development skills.

  1. Traversy Media: This channel offers a variety of web development and programming tutorials, ranging from beginner to advanced levels. You can learn about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue, Bootstrap, and more. The videos are clear, concise, and engaging.

  2. Dev Ed: Dev Ed is a fun and creative channel that teaches web development and design with humor and personality. You can learn how to create websites, apps, games, animations, and more using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, etc. The channel also features some challenges and reviews of other developers' projects.

  3. The Net Ninja: The Net Ninja is a channel that provides high-quality tutorials on web development and other related topics. You can learn about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Vue, Firebase, MongoDB, and more. The channel also has some playlists on web design, UI/UX, and accessibility.

  4. Web Dev Simplified: Web Dev Simplified is a channel that aims to simplify web development concepts and make them easy to understand. You can learn about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, TypeScript, algorithms, data structures, and more. The channel also has some videos on web development best practices and common mistakes.

  5. DesignCourse: DesignCourse is a channel that focuses on web design and UI/UX. You can learn how to design beautiful and user-friendly websites and apps using tools like Adobe XD, Figma, Photoshop, etc. The channel also has some videos on web development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.

  6. Coding Tech: Coding Tech is a channel that curates the best talks from tech conferences and events around the world. You can watch presentations from experts and leaders in the web development industry on topics like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Vue, Angular, GraphQL, etc.

  7. Academind: Academind is a channel that offers in-depth and comprehensive tutorials on web development and programming. You can learn about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue, Node.js, MongoDB, Flutter, etc. The channel also has some courses on web development fundamentals and advanced topics.

  8. is a channel that provides free courses and certifications on web development and other programming topics. You can learn about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, D3.js, Python, etc. The channel also has some videos on web development projects and interviews.

  9. Kevin Powell: Kevin Powell is a channel that teaches web development and design with a focus on CSS. You can learn how to style websites and apps using CSS grid, flexbox, animations, transitions, variables, etc. The channel also has some videos on HTML, JavaScript, Sass, etc.

  10. Codevolution: Codevolution is a channel that teaches web development with a focus on React. You can learn how to use React hooks, custom hooks, context API, Redux, Next.js, Gatsby, etc. The channel also has some videos on JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL, etc.

If you have more suggestions, please drop them in the comment section

Additional channels as suggested in the comments

  • Programmingwithmosh: Programming with Mosh provides comprehensive tutorials on various programming topics, with a specialization in web development. The channel covers in-depth lessons on React, including topics such as React hooks, custom hooks, context API, Redux, Next.js, Gatsby, and more. Additionally, you'll find valuable content on JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL, and other essential programming concepts.

Top comments (13)

remotesynth profile image
Brian Rinaldi

I'd like to also recommend's channel. It's not exclusively frontend focused but we host a ton of speakers on those topics and run free conferences that are heavily frontend and JavaScript.

isaacdizzoh profile image
Isaac Adam

This guy helped me a lot

srikanthbitra01 profile image

Yes, it's true and even every engineer will share their experience and knowledge. That's good. Thanks.

rohitteja profile image
Rohit Teja Maddula should be on top.

isaacdizzoh profile image
Isaac Adam

Uh! Codewithmosh should be added

emkay860 profile image
Majid Kareem

I think you mean programmingwithmosh.
Thanks, I'll add it to the list

isaacdizzoh profile image
Isaac Adam

Yes programmingwithmosh.

justlyjustice profile image
Justice Johnson

I'd also like to recommend JavaScript Mastery his tutorials are also clear and concise even to a person who knows nothing about coding and development.

webxplorrer profile image

Awesome list!
Webdevsimplified and Kevin Powell have been VERY helpful to me. You can check out JavaScript Mastery and Clever Programmer

rob_kelen787 profile image
Rob Kelen • Edited

It will be useful for you to look for interesting articles on this topic. Here with this tips you can find out more about how you can get more views on YouTube really simple. This will help you increase your income in this area and I think it's great that you can make money on your interests.

akashkennedy profile image
Akash Kennedy • Edited

Fireship must be on the top. I'm pretty sure and mosh hamedani and bro code too

techstudent10 profile image

Where's Fireship at? One of the best coding channels out there

wandaazhar profile image
Wanda Azhar

Dev Ed is funny. I love him 😅

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