Enappd delivers high-quality app templates, themes, and add-ons for you to jump-start your startup, or take your business to the next level with an awesome app while saving thousands of dollars and weeks of time. Our mission is to enable everyone to be able to create beautiful apps. If you are a developer, you don’t need to waste time on UI. Just pick your app starter from Enappd and jump-start your development.

A collective experience of several app development agencies says that the majority of the app development is a repeat process. This is especially relevant in today’s age where startups are often found building an ‘Uber for something’, or an ‘Instagram of something’. Even the apps which are not exactly clones are actually using similar components in them. With the growing rise in app-based startups, it is imperative for developers to use a modular way of app development which costs least time and money. That is where app templates/starters come in.
An app template is simply the UI of the app made in a particular language. This can be Android, iOS or hybrid technology. A starter, on the other hand, includes features more than UI, e.g. A Taxi booking app which allows you to create a booking and accept booking on the Driver side, is not just a template, it is a starter.

Following are the major advantages of using an app template from Enappd Store:
- Cheaper — You save thousands of dollars spent in UI development. This is a crucial phase where a majority of startups end up spending most of their time and money. Designing a feature from scratch is not worth if you can just pick the feature off the shelf in a fraction of the price
- Faster — You save weeks (if not months) of time which you would otherwise spend on designing and developing your app’s UI. Faster time to market is often the deal maker for an app startup.
- Keep your team smaller — If you are an early-stage startup, and the co-founders are not developers, it is not wise to hire separate developers for UI designing, and then UI development on different devices. Using a hybrid app (same technology for both iOS and Android) halves your problem, but you would still love to have an off-the-shelf template. This way you can jump to feature integration directly and keep your team smaller
- Standard and Bug-free — One of the biggest advantages of using Enappd’s app template is the standard feature and code structure. It is often found that the founding team develops the app with whatever they know. This results in a badly written (although working) code. Instead, you can purchase an off-the-shelf code written with proper standards, and mostly bug-free. You cut costs, save time and get better quality code.
- Standard features — Other than great code standards, you get standard features already working and device tested in Enappd templates. For example, tinder card format has been a popular layout for the past many years. Creating the layout on your own from scratch is not worth if you can just pick it up from an app template, such as Ionic 4 Full App.
Imagine you are set out to build an ‘Uber for something’, and you get the full app UI off the shelf. You can then plug in your logic, your product, and your back-end into the app and get it ready for the app store. This way you save a ton on your development cost.
At Enappd we build app templates using ❤, also there is a lot more to find out about Enappd. So, let’s dive right in:

The process followed at Enappd is SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). It consists of the following activities:
- Planning: The most important parts of software development, requirement gathering or requirement analysis is usually done by the most skilled and experienced software engineers in the organization. After the requirements are gathered as per the market research, a scope document is created in which the scope of the project is determined and documented.
- Implementation: The software engineers start writing the code according to the requirements documented.
- Testing: This is the process of finding defects or bugs in the created Template.
- Documentation: Extensive setup and usage documentation for major starters is provided along with the product.
- Deployment: The app template is made available on Enappd store after it gets approved in review for release by another senior developer from a different team.

Currently, the templates/starters at Enappd are available in three technologies i.e Ionic, React Native and Flutter framework. All three technologies allow you to build mobile apps for both iOS and Android. All three are great frameworks because they allow developers to quickly prototype and publish apps on multiple platforms with single source code. The first great thing is — you can publish apps without the need to learn Swift, Objective-C, Java or Kotlin! Instead, you’ll use JavaScript (for React Native, and Ionic) and Dart (for Flutter). Hence you’re able to create native apps for both platforms with one language instead of two — this obviously reduces the learning effort you have to take to build your mobile app by a lot!
All these frameworks are best at their own. While choosing a framework for your cross-platform app development, you need to analyze many factors like budget, time, application size, platforms, and so on.
Hybrid apps have been the sensation in recent years and for a good reason. With their ease of development, powerful performance and versatile usage possibility, Hybrid apps beat Native apps at many frontiers.
Automated Testing

Since we are dealing with app starter that uses lots of ever-changing technologies like ionic, react native, etc. and their dependencies, it becomes imperative for us to ensure that the starters remain bug-free for a long time. Changing dependencies have always caused issues to developers, and it is almost impossible to keep track of every changing dependencies, even with npm or yarn. To make sure we keep the starters bug free, we have implemented an Automated Test Routine using Jenkins Server and Continuous Integration (CI) methodology. In simple words, our server will test the products Every Day, yes, every day. And it will report to us and all website users in real-time if the starter is passing the test. Amazing, right? Following image displays the process in a nut-shell

We have implemented this to assure our users that our products are built with the highest quality standards, and changing technology effects are being tested regularly.
How can I believe it is a valid test ?
We display a build passing image in the PRODUCT STATUS widget, right next to product description. It looks something like this

This is the same notation every major code repository on Github uses to show their build status. E.g. REACT NATIVE uses the same process to display the status of their Github repository.
Automated build testing ensures:
- The code clears all linting criteria
- The starter code is bug-free
- The starter code is able to create a Store Deployable Android APK
- Users and Enappd developers get real-time information of the product status so that a bug-free product can be maintained
MNOP tested
iOS 6, X tested
However, all our products are also tested for Android M, N, O, P version as well as iOS 6, 10.

At Enappd we care for our users and so we have put Live Chat support on our site. It helps people to clear even tiny size doubts before putting their money on making the purchase. I am sure people who have interacted with us on Live Chat would agree that what bliss in life this facility is, they get to solve their queries and lots of heavy geeky doubts over here. We either troubleshoot their issues right away or we direct them to in-detailed articles of Enappd and other super awesome tutorials. And it's obvious now, that we provide mail support as well. You can reach out to us on the medium of your preference. Be assured of prompt response, i.e. no forever long waiting times.

Videos explaining the flow in a very quick fashion can be found on the product page of most major templates/starters. Thviis video helps you to see the product right in the action in a very quick way. You can also share this video easily with someone and get a quick review before making the purchase. Also, in some products, you get Mac/Windows installation videos too.
Tech Specs

The tech specs in which the particular app template/starter functions in a flawless manner is listed on all products page. Refer to it for a hassle-free speedy execution.
Free Upgrades
Regular updates are made to the app templates/starters as soon as the new version of the tech is released. This update is provided free of cost, a new zip file is uploaded in the user’s Enappd account. Also users are informed about the updated zip file in their account through mail. If some drastic or big changes are made in the tech then it is not possible to make it work just by making some minor changes, it requires app to built from scratch again and user might have to purchase a new product in that case.

It is one of the most important part, proper step by step instructions are quintessential, it saves time and stop unnecessary waste of energy in figuring out things i.e. it prevents reinventing the wheel from the scratch.

You can download demo APK from the product page and run the app in your own mobile phone before making the purchase. For React Native templates/starters you also get the option to scan the QR code from the Expo app and it just runs right there. It is as smooth as it can get. You can interact with the app and visit all the pages and see for yourself the craftsmanship that has been put into the product.

In-detailed articles on all the latest techs, their various types of integration, form the very basic to very advanced. In advanced articles, you will find reference of articles explaining simple basic steps, all those steps where you can get stuck are covered in our exhaustive list of articles. All the articles are updated regularly with the new emerging technologies to make them stay meaningful and helpful with changing times.

Enappd provides free starters for beginners and experts to jump-start their development. Play around with them, make your own changes and see how they fare out. These all are high-quality starter app templates and you can integrate them in your own Ionic 4 Apps to enhance their functionality in no time. You will find blog links along with many of them which offer pro-level understanding.
Whether you are a freelancer or an app development agency, these starters are going to save you thousands of dollars in each project. There is no denying that the app development world is changing, and we as a company is evolving as well. Enappd is soon launching a marketplace, keeping the developers in mind. At marketplace you will be able to upload your templates and start earning right from your first step. Enappd’s mission is to bring together the developer community on a single platform where they can achieve higher goals by working coherently towards a unified vision.
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