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sajjad hussain
sajjad hussain

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Integrating Communication: Installing and Configuring the WhatsApp Module in Odoo

Odoo, a powerful open-source ERP system, empowers businesses to manage various aspects of their operations. Integrating the WhatsApp module unlocks a new level of communication, allowing businesses to interact directly with customers through their preferred messaging platform. This article guides you through installing and configuring the WhatsApp module in Odoo, streamlining customer interactions, and enhancing communication efficiency.


Before diving into the installation process, ensure you have the following:

• Functional Odoo Instance: A running Odoo instance with administrator access is essential.

• WhatsApp Business Account: A verified WhatsApp Business Account is required to connect with the Odoo module.

• Meta Developer Account: Create a Meta developer account to obtain the necessary API credentials for connecting WhatsApp to Odoo.

Installation Process:

1.Odoo App Store: Access the Odoo App Store within your Odoo instance and navigate to the "Modules" section.
2.Search for WhatsApp Module: Search for a reputable WhatsApp integration module. Popular options include "Odoo WhatsApp Connector" or "Odoo WhatsApp Integration."
3.Install and Activate: Click on the chosen module and select "Install." Once installed, activate the module by ticking the checkbox next to it.

Configuration Steps:

  1. Access Configuration Menu: Navigate to the "Configuration" menu within your Odoo instance and locate the option for "WhatsApp Business Accounts" (might differ slightly depending on the specific module).

  2. Create New Account: Click on "Create" to configure your WhatsApp Business Account within Odoo.

  3. API Credentials: Input the necessary API credentials obtained from your Meta developer account. These typically include the Phone Number, Access Token, and Facebook Business Account ID.

  4. Callback URL and Verification Token: Locate the sections for "Callback URL" and "Webhook Verify Token" within the Odoo configuration. Copy these values for later use.

  5. Meta Developer Console Configuration: Navigate to your Meta developer console and locate the WhatsApp Business Account settings. Paste the copied Callback URL and webhook Verify Token from Odoo into the designated fields.

  6. Sync Templates (Optional): Some modules allow you to pre-configure message templates for Odoo actions like order confirmations or delivery updates. These templates require approval from Meta before use. Utilize the "Sync Templates" function within the Odoo module if available.

Testing and Usage:

  1. Test Connection: Once the configuration is complete, initiate a test message through the Odoo module to ensure successful communication with your WhatsApp Business Account.

  2. Sending and Receiving Messages: Depending on the module's functionality, you might be able to send WhatsApp messages directly from Odoo for various purposes like marketing campaigns or customer support interactions. You can also receive incoming customer messages through the module, centralizing communication within Odoo.

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Additional Considerations:

• Compliance with WhatsApp Business Policies: Ensure your usage of the WhatsApp module adheres to WhatsApp Business Policies. Avoid unsolicited messages and prioritize providing value to customers through your communication.

• Data Privacy: Comply with data privacy regulations in your region regarding customer communication through WhatsApp.

• Advanced Features (Optional): Some modules offer advanced features like two-way communication, automated message triggers based on Odoo events, and integration with CRM functionalities. Explore these features if your business needs necessitate them.

Benefits of WhatsApp Integration:

• Improved Customer Communication: Connect with customers on their preferred platform, leading to faster response times and increased engagement.

• Enhanced Customer Experience: Offer a convenient and familiar communication channel for customer inquiries and support.

• Streamlined Workflow: Centralize communication within Odoo, improving team collaboration and response efficiency.


By installing and configuring the WhatsApp module in Odoo, you can unlock a powerful communication channel. Remember to prioritize responsible use, data privacy, and explore advanced features if needed. This integration can empower your business to connect with customers more effectively and elevate the overall customer experience.

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