You're probably generating JSON strings, or parsing them in your Rails app. Using gem "oj"
can speed these operations up significantly.
Setting up is easy!
Just include the gem in gemfile, and call Oj.optimize_rails
in an initializer.
On my M2 Mac I see a nice 30-40% execution time reduction.
Benchmark.bmbm do |x|"jsonification") { 500_000.times { {"yay#{_1}" => true}.to_json } }
# without OJ
jsonification 0.929295 0.001351 0.930646 ( 0.934957)
jsonification 0.937358 0.001534 0.938892 ( 0.944757)
jsonification 0.999621 0.002159 1.001780 ( 1.010062)
# with OJ
jsonification 0.605699 0.001421 0.607120 ( 0.614704)
jsonification 0.593242 0.001314 0.594556 ( 0.601887)
jsonification 0.602174 0.001644 0.603818 ( 0.611623)
jsonification 0.587775 0.002133 0.589908 ( 0.597829)
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