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John Essien
John Essien

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Creating a Windows Server in Azure: A Guide

Dear readers, I trust you enjoyed the last article about creating a Virtual Machine. In todays article, we will delve into creating a windows server and installing an internet information system. Creating a windows server is almost the same as creating a virtual machine. What's the difference? Join me as we head to the clouds to find out☁️☁️☁️ !!!

Creating A Virtual Machine

Step 1: Enter virtual machines in Azure search.

Azure Search

Step 2: Click the + Create button and select Azure virtual machine hosted by Azure


Step 3: On the basic tab, select create new to create a resource group

create Resource group

Step 4: Give the VM (virtual machine) a name, select the region then select availability options and availability zone

Virtual naming

Step 5: Select the image of the OS (operating system). This step, differentiates a virtual machine from a windows server.

Windows Server

Step 6: On the basic tab, on the administrator account pane, select the VM username and password

VM Username

Step 7: For Inbound port, select RDP and HTTP

Inbound port

Step 8: Select Licensing

Select licensing

Step 9: Select tag.

Tags enable us see everything that costs money in Azure.

Select Tag

Step 10: Once this has been validated and every other settings is ok, validation would be passed.

Validation passed

Step 11: You will be prompted to go to resource group.

Go to Resource

Connect to the Virtual Machine

These directions tell you how to connect to your VM from a Windows computer. On a Mac, you need an RDP client such as this Remote Desktop Client from the Mac App Store.

Step 1: On the overview page for your virtual machine, select the Connect

Connect to the vm

Step 2: In the Connect with RDP tab on the right pane, keep the default options to connect by IP address, over port 3389, and click Download RDP file. Make sure the IP status changes from configuring to configured

RDP Settings

P.S: Make sure to increase the time out settings of the public IP to avoid timeout. You can do this by clicking on the IP address of the VM on the overview pane. Don't forget to save your settings

IP settings

Step 3: Open the downloaded RDP file and click Connect when prompted (couldn't get snapshot)

Step 4: In the Windows Security window, enter the username and password you created for the virtual machine, and then click OK. You may receive a certificate warning during the sign-in process. Click Yes or Continue to create the connection (couldn't get snapshot).

There you go!!! You're already in cloud nine 🤓🤓🤓

Installing Internet Information System

Once, you've logged on to the server;

Step 1: Type Windows PowerShell in the search bar and run as administrator (couldn't get snapshot).

Step 2: Run the command "Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools" to install a web server (couldn't get snapshot).

Step 3: Copy the IP address of the windows server and paste it on a web browser for it to open (couldn't get snapshot).


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