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Ethan Rodrigo
Ethan Rodrigo

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Jetpack Compose; A Modern UI ToolKit

The world of programming changes rapidly and gets better day by day. The frameworks and tools that have been used ten years ago won't be able to fulfill the needs of our apps.

Today I'm with a new framework for Android development. In this article let's talk about what is Jetpack Compose and how it helps you to build better android apps. Whether you're a seasoned Android developer or just starting, this article will provide a great introduction to Android Jetpack Compose and its capabilities.

What is Jetpack?

This is what the Android Developers say;

Jetpack is a suite of libraries to help developers follow best practices, reduce boilerplate code, and write code that works consistently across Android versions and devices so that developers can focus on the code they care about.

In a nutshell, Jetpack is a collection of libraries that helps you write code with fewer bugs and in less time than traditional methods of developing Android apps.

Jetpack is made up of components in four categories

  • Foundation

    This provides libraries for core functionality that is needed in most Android apps, such as the appCompat library, which provides backward compatibility for newer features on older Android versions, and the androidx.core library, which contains base classes for common Android components.

  • Architecture

    This component has libraries that help developers to manage the app's architecture, such as navigation, which makes it easy to handle navigation between different screens in the app.

  • Behavior

    Libraries in this component add behaviors to the app, such as notifications, permissions, and sharing. For example, the NotificationCompat library makes it easy to create and manage notifications.

  • UI

    This component includes libraries for building the app's UI. Jetpack Compose belongs to this category.

By using Android Jetpack, developers can focus on building their app's unique features, while the Jetpack libraries take care of the common tasks, such as handling navigation and managing data. This can help to make the development process faster, more efficient, and more maintainable.

What is Jetpack Compose?

As previously stated, Jetpack Compose is a UI library that is part of the Android Jetpack library collection.

This is what Jetpack Compose according to the Android Developers team;

Jetpack Compose is Android’s recommended modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android. Quickly bring your app to life with less code, powerful tools, and intuitive Kotlin APIs.

Why use Jetpack Compose?

You might be wondering, why to switch from using traditional XML layouts to Android Jetpack Compose. Here are a few reasons why you might consider using Compose for your next project.

  1. Reactive programming

    Compose uses a reactive programming model, which updates the UI automatically as the user interacts with the app, making it more dynamic. In contrast, XML is a declarative markup language, which means that the developer needs to explicitly specify the layout of the UI. Further, it does not have built-in support for reactive programming.

  2. Simplicity

    Jetpack Compose has a minimalistic and easy-to-read syntax(Compose uses Kotlin), which makes it simpler and faster for developers to create complex UI elements. In contrast, XML can be verbose and can require a lot of boilerplate code to achieve the same results.

  3. Built-in support for animations

    One of the features that I particularly appreciate in Jetpack Compose is its built-in support for animations. This makes it easy to add dynamic and engaging transitions to your app. However, adding animations in an XML layout can be more challenging and time-consuming.

  4. Better performance

    Jetpack Compose has a better algorithm for layout and rendering, resulting in improved performance compared to XML layouts. It also has built-in support for managing memory and app lifecycle.

  5. Better data management

    Jetpack Compose has a built-in mechanism for handling data and state management, making it easy for developers to organize and maintain their code.

Where can I learn Jetpack Compose?

Jetpack Compose is a relatively new toolkit, which means it may have a bit of a learning curve. Yet you can survive as you have the documentation.

Additionally, the Android Developer Team has some helpful tutorials available for learning Jetpack Compose.

Here are two YouTube channels that can help you with Compose. There can be other channels also, but for me, these are the best.

I am also here to help you!


I hope this article provided a useful introduction to Jetpack Compose and its capabilities as a modern UI toolkit for Android development. As I continue to explore and learn about this technology, I plan to share my findings and insights through a series of articles. Be sure to subscribe to the newsletter of my blog to stay up-to-date with my latest posts and join me on my journey to mastering Jetpack Compose. Thank you for reading!

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