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Identify Flower Species from Images: Extract Flower Tags Easily with Python

Have you ever gazed at a beautiful flower in a garden, silently wondering, "What species is this?" Don't worry, today we will explore how to "identify flower species from images" using Python and VolcEngine's multilingual OCR API to solve this puzzle. Imagine you are on a nature walk, snap a picture of a gorgeous flower with your phone, and instantly learn its name and care tips using this amazing technology. Does it sound like a dream? Let's start here and turn this dream into reality.

What is the OCR Recognition API?

In this era of rapid technological development, the emergence of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology has undoubtedly made life more convenient. With VolcEngine's multilingual OCR API, we can easily recognize text in images. Wherever you are, with just a photo, you can identify the flower species and related information in the picture. This service supports over 50 languages, including Chinese, English, Japanese, French, German, Russian, and Spanish, making it extremely user-friendly in multilingual environments. To give you a deeper understanding of how to use this API, we will go over its basic concepts and usage in detail, ensuring every flower enthusiast can get started quickly.

So, what exactly is VolcEngine's multilingual OCR recognition API? In simple terms, it is a powerful text recognition service that can extract text information from images, identify the language, and return key data. To use it, you first need to access the platform to review the API documentation and usage steps. On this platform, you'll find detailed instructions and interface addresses on how to identify flower species from images, helping you better achieve your goal.


Using VolcEngine's multilingual OCR recognition API, we can easily obtain text information from flower tags with minimal technical knowledge. Imagine you're at a flower market, and with just a quick snapshot of a tag, you instantly get a detailed description of the flower. This not only saves you the time of flipping through books or searching online but also boosts your confidence in sharing your flower knowledge with friends. To experience all of this, all it takes is a few simple steps, and you can become a master at identifying flower species from images.

Now, let's dive into a specific case scenario. In the following section, we will demonstrate how to use VolcEngine's OCR recognition API to quickly identify and extract information from flower tags. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this process will let you feel the fun and convenience brought by technology. Through this case, we will not only learn how to call the API but also experience the endless charm of identifying flower species from images. Ready? Let's start this magical journey together!

Implementation Steps

Directory Structure

Before we begin, let's take a look at the project structure. This is the foundation for managing the code and is key to organizing all our files. Create a new folder named flower-ocr, and inside it, we will include the following subfolders and files:

├──           # Main program file  
├── requirements.txt  # List of dependencies  
└── images/           # Folder to store flower images  
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With this structure, we can manage the project files more conveniently, and it also lays a solid foundation for future code maintenance.

Related Dependencies

For our program to run correctly, we need to install some Python libraries. The main ones used here are requests and Pillow. The former is for sending HTTP requests, and the latter is for handling images. You can install these dependencies with the following command:

pip install requests Pillow
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If you're using a requirements.txt file, you can list the dependencies in the file:

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Then, simply run the following command to install all dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
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This completes the installation of all related dependencies, setting the stage for the code implementation that follows.

Core Code

Next, we will write the core code to implement "identifying flower species from images." In the file, we first import the required libraries, then implement the functionality for calling the API. Here's an example code:

import requests  
from PIL import Image  
import io  

def identify_flower_species(image_path):  
    url = ""  

    # Read the image  
    with open(image_path, 'rb') as image_file:  
        image_data =  

    # Send the request  
    response =, files={'image': image_data})  

    if response.status_code == 200:  
        result = response.json()  
        print("Recognition Result:", result)  
        print("Recognition Failed, Status Code:", response.status_code)  

if __name__ == "__main__":  
    # Input image path  
    image_path = "images/sample_flower.jpg"  # Sample image path  
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In this code, we define a function identify_flower_species that takes the image path as a parameter, sends the image via a POST request to the API, and prints the recognition result.


Once everything is set up, you can run our main program from the command line. Navigate to the flower-ocr directory in the command line and run the following command:

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Ensure that you've placed the flower image you want to identify in the images folder. Once the program runs, it will automatically call the API to identify the image and output the recognition results. If you need to tweak functionality, like changing the image path or handling different image formats, simply modify the corresponding parts of


In this article, we not only learned how to use VolcEngine's multilingual OCR recognition API to "identify flower species from images," but we also explored the implementation steps from directory structure to core code. VolcEngine's powerful capabilities allow us to easily extract flower tag information with minimal technical requirements. Whether you're a flower enthusiast or a developer, this technology can bring convenience to your life.

Additionally, I recommend visiting the API platform to learn more about the use details of VolcEngine's multilingual OCR recognition API and other useful tools. By mastering these technologies, you'll be able to handle text recognition in multilingual environments with ease and enrich your flower knowledge!

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