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Favour Ukonu
Favour Ukonu

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A Deep Dive into Frontend Frameworks: React and Vue.

You might have seen or read questions like, "React or Vue, which do you prefer using?", "Vue or React: Which one to choose in 2024?", "React vs Vue: Which JavaScript Framework Wins?". I have seen and read questions like that, I have even asked a question like the ones above.
You know both Frameworks and sometimes wonder which one to use, or, you don't even know both, but you've heard them around.

Alas, here's the article you've been awaiting. Let's talk about both Frameworks🚀 while highlighting their characteristics, advantages and situations in which you might use them. I'll also share my thoughts on utilising React.js and what I hope to gain from the HNG internship.

React.js and Vue.js are both Frontend Frameworks, popular ones at that. They both have robust ecosystems, energetic communities and a wide range of use cases, which makes them a developer's suitable choice. Though they share a bit of similarities, they have different approaches and concepts that can influence which one is the best fit for a particular project.

React: A Library for Building User Interfaces.

What is React?

React is an open-source JavaScript library developed and maintained by Facebook. React aims at building user interfaces, especially for single-page applications(SPA), through a component-based structure.

Key Features.

Some important characteristics of React.

  • Virtual DOM: React uses a Virtual DOM to optimize updates and rendering of contents. This allows React to update the actual DOM more efficiently by only making the necessary changes, rather than re-rendering the entire DOM each time there is a change.

  • JSX: React enables JSX, a syntax extension that combines JavaScript and HTML. JSX makes it easier to write and understand component structures.

  • Robust Ecosystem: React's ecosystem includes tools like Create React App, Next.js for server-side rendering, and a wide array of community-built libraries and components.


  • Performance: The virtual DOM and efficient diffing algorithm provide good performance for dynamic applications.

  • Community and Ecosystem: React's large and active community provides extensive resources, libraries, and tools.

  • Flexibility: React’s component-based structure offers flexibility in constructing your applications.

Use cases.

In which situation would you want to use React?

  • Single Page Applications(SPA): If you're building a single page application, React is well-suited due to its prompt and efficient rendering and state management.

  • Complex UIs: The React component-based approach concentrates on building complex and interactive UIs which comes in handy if you're building a complex UI which consists of multiple components, features, and interactions that make it challenging to develop, and maintain.

  • React-Native: Are you a Mobile developer? React Native enables the development of mobile applications using React.

Vue: The Progressive JavaScript Framework.

What is Vue?

Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, Evan You created it. Vue is designed to be flexible and incrementally adoptable meaning you can use as much or as little of it as you need. Vue combines the best features of existing frameworks while maintaining simplicity and ease of use, making it beginner-friendly.

Key Features.

Some important characteristics of Vue.js.

  • Reactive Data Binding: Vue’s reactivity system allows for automatic tracking and efficient updates to the DOM when the underlying data changes.

  • Single-File Components(SFC): Vue encourages the use of single-file components, which encapsulate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a single file giving the vibes of the Regular HTML file with inline styles and JavaScript.

  • Directives: Vue provides a set of built-in directives for common tasks, such as v-if for conditional rendering and v-for for loops.


  • Simplicity and Easy to Use: Vue’s syntax and design principles are natural and easy to learn, making it accessible for beginners.

  • Flexibility: Vue can be used for both small projects and large-scale applications, adapting to various needs.

  • Comprehensive Documentation: Vue’s documentation is thorough and well-maintained, providing clear guidance and examples.

Use cases.

In which situation would you want to use Vue?

  • Progressive Web Apps(PWAs): If you're building a progressive web app, Vue's reactivity and efficient state management make it ideal for progressive web apps.

  • Component Libraries: Vue is often used to build component libraries due to its flexible and encapsulated SFC components.

  • Integrating with Existing Projects: Worried you've started a project without Vue? no worries, Vue can be incrementally adopted in existing projects, making it easy to integrate with other technologies.

My thoughts on utilising React.

Between Vue and React Framework, I use React more and I'm open to using Vue.

I consider React to be a flexible and strong library for building user interfaces. I find its syntax(JSX) easy to implement, down to its component-based structure that allows for modular and reusable code, to its extensive community support, with plenty of tutorials, documentation, and third-party libraries that can help solve almost any development challenge. This makes it a go-to choice for many developers, including myself.

My expectations in the HNG Internship.

At HNG, React is the Framework used extensively, and as I've discussed earlier, React's efficiency and flexibility make it an excellent choice. The ability to integrate React with other technologies and frameworks means that it can adapt to a wide range of project requirements, from simple web applications to complex, enterprise-level solutions.

But first, What is HNG?

HNG is a global internship program that focuses on training young individuals in software development. Participants are given real-world projects to work on and are mentored by industry professionals.

Curious as to how the HNG Internship program works?

Click Here- HNG Internship to satisfy your curiosity. And Here HNG Hire if you looking to hire.

It's my first experience with HNG and participating in it is an exciting and scary opportunity for me. I have several expectations that I hope to achieve during this experience but I'll be listing a few of them.

  • Skill Enhancement: Through hands-on projects and real-world applications, I strive to deepen my understanding and proficiency in developing high-quality web applications and significantly enhance my skills in ReactJS and other front-end technologies.

  • Collaboration and Teamwork: One of my key expectations is to collaborate with a diverse group of developers. Working in teams will help me improve my communication skills, learn from others' experiences, and contribute effectively to collective goals.

  • Understanding Real-World Challenges: I aim to understand and tackle real-world challenges that come with building and maintaining web applications. This includes problem-solving under constraints, optimizing for performance, and ensuring scalability and maintainability of code.


Overall, Both React and Vue.js are powerful tools for building modern web applications, each with its strengths and trade-offs and I am enthusiastic about the learning journey ahead and confident that the HNG Internship will provide a comprehensive platform for professional and personal growth.

Thank you for Reading!🚀

Top comments (4)

devenoch profile image
Ayanyiola Enoch

Awesome ma'am. Thanks for enlightening

faave profile image
Favour Ukonu

Thank you for reading!

masine_wert_58dacf8687e2b profile image
masine wert

Confira este vídeo sobre uma ferramenta gratuita que acelera o desenvolvimento front-end.

faave profile image
Favour Ukonu

Will check it out!🚀