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How to Create Your First Flutter App from Scratch

Flutter is a powerful framework for creating mobile applications across platforms with a single code base. It offers a rich set of user interface components, rapid development and excellent performance. This guide will guide you by creating your first Flutter application from scratch and includes basic concepts such as widgets, state management and user interface adaptation.

1. What are the Prerequisites?

Before starting, make sure you have the following:

  • Flutter SDK- Install it from Flutter's official website.
  • IDE (Android Studio or VS code)- Install Flutter and Dart plugins.
  • Emulator or physical device- to test the application.
  • FAB Builder Account - Sign up to FAB Builder for automated code generation.

Verify Flutter Installation

Open the terminal and run:

Flutter Doctor
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

If everything is set correctly, you should see a success message.

2. How do you create a new flutter project?

Start the following command to create a new project:

Flutter Create My_First_flutter_App
Cd my_first_flutter_App
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now open the project in VS code or Android studio.

3. How does the Flutter Application Work?

Flutter applications use a widget-based structure where everything is widget. Let's analyze the key files:

  • main.dart (input point)- Contains the root of your application.
  • pubspec.yaml- manages addiction.
  • lib/- holds all DART code, including user interface and logic.

Basic main.dart code

Replace lib/main.dart S:

Import 'Package: flutter/material.dart';

void main () {
  runApp (MyApp ());

The MyApp class expands the homeless {
  Widget Build (BuildContext Context) {
    Return Materialapp (
      DebugshowcheckedModebanner: False,
      Home: scaffolding (
        Appbar: AppBar (Title: Text ('My first Flutter')),
        Body: center (
          Child: Text (
            "Hi, flutter!",
            Style: TextSize (fontsize: 24, fontweight: fontweight.bold),
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Start the app with:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

4. How do You Add the Buttons and Interactions of the User?

Now let's make an interactive application by adding the button.

Update main.dart with a Stateful Widget

Import 'Package: flutter/material.dart';

void main () {
  runApp (MyApp ());

The MyApp class expands the Statefulwidget {

Class _MYAPPState expands the state  {
  String displaytext = "hello, flutter!";

  void updatext () {
    SETSSTATE (() {
      Displaytext = "Click!";

  Widget Build (BuildContext Context) {
    Return Materialapp (
      Home: scaffolding (
        Appbar: AppBar (Title: Text ('Interactive Flutter App')),
        Body: center (
          Child: Column (
            Mainaxisalignment: Mainaxisalignment.Center,
            Children: [
              Text (Displaytext, Style: Textstyle (Fontsize: 24),
              Box size (height: 20),
              Exetatedbutton (
                ONPRESSED: Updatetext,
                Baby: Text ('Click me'),
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now that you press the button, the text changes dynamically!

5. How can FAB Builder Speedup the Development of Flutter?

Instead of writing repeated code, FAB Builder Allows you to:

  • Generate user interface components immediately
  • Use customizable preset templates
  • Secure a flawless and optimized code

For example, instead of manual coding of the login page, FAB Builder can generate ready to use the Flutter interface like this:

Import 'Package: flutter/material.dart';

void main () {
  runApp (loginApp ());

The LoginApp class expands the homeless
  Widget Build (BuildContext Context) {
    Return Materialapp (
      Home: LoginsCreen (),

The LoginsCreen class expands the homeless people {
  Widget Build (BuildContext Context) {
    return scaffolding (
      Appbar: AppBar (Title: Text ('Login')),
      Body: padding (
        Padding: EdgeinSets.all (20),
        Child: Column (
          Mainaxisalignment: Mainaxisalignment.Center,
          Children: [
            Texfield (
              Decoration: Entrance decoration (
                Labeltext: 'e -mail',
                Border: OutlineinPutorDer (),
            Box size (height: 10),
            Texfield (
              Obscuretext: True,
              Decoration: Entrance decoration (
                Labeltext: 'Password',
                Border: OutlineinPutorDer (),
            Box size (height: 20),
            Exetatedbutton (
              ONPRESSED: () {},
              Child: Text ('Sign In'),
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This is faster and more efficient compared to manual design of user interface components.

6. How do You Customize the Flutter User Interface?

Add icons and colors

Edit Appbar using color and icon:

Appbar: Appbar (
  Title: Text ('Styled App'),
  BackgroundColor: Colors.blueaccent,
  Leading: icon (,
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Styling buttons

Exetatedbutton (
  Style: exetatedbutton.stylefroma (
    padding: Edgeinsets.Symmetric (horizontal: 30, vertical: 15),
    TextStyle: Textstyle (Fontsze: 18, Fontweight: Fontweight.bold),
  ONPRESSED: () {},
  Child: Text (Styled),
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

7. How do You Put the Flutter App?

Try Your App

flutter test
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Build APK for Android

flutter build apk
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Build for iOS

flutter build ios
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

For FAB Builder, the deployment is even easier to integrate one click into the cloud environments.

8. Why use FAB Builder to develop flutter?

Here's the reason FAB Builder is the Flutter Devs Games converter:

  • Automated Code Generation- Reduces recurring coding tasks.
  • Pre-created Templates- Use finished patterns.
  • Code without Error- It is a clean, optimized performance.
  • Seamless Integration- Works with cloud-based IDEs.
  • Faster Prototyping- Immediately generate the working code from wire images.

By combining FAB Builder flexibility with FAB Builder automation, you can create and deploy applications without sacrificing quality.


You successfully created your first Flutter application from scratch, learned how to use status and nationality, add interactivity and explore ways to stylize your user interface. While Flutter provides a powerful framework for application development, FAB Builder will take this a step further by automating repetitive tasks, generating optimized code and streamlining the entire workflow.

Using FAB Builder you can save time, reduce errors and speed up the development cycle-whether you build a simple application or a complex project. You can now continue to learn flutter by API, Firebase, Animation and Advanced State Management.

Are you ready to build applications faster? Try FAB Builder today and transform your Flutter development experience!

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