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Unveiling JavaScript Tricks:[] is equal ![]?

[] is equal ![]

Array is equal not array:

[] == ![]; // -> true
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๐Ÿ’ก Explanation:

The abstract equality operator converts both sides to numbers to compare them, and both sides become the number 0 for different reasons. Arrays are truthy, so on the right, the opposite of a truthy value is false, which is then coerced to 0. On the left, however, an empty array is coerced to a number without becoming a boolean first, and empty arrays are coerced to 0, despite being truthy.

Here is how this expression simplifies:

+[] == +![];
0 == +false;
0 == 0;
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See also [] is truthy, but not true.

true is not equal ![], but not equal [] too

Array is not equal true, but not Array is not equal true too;
Array is equal false, not Array is equal false too:

true == []; // -> false
true == ![]; // -> false

false == []; // -> true
false == ![]; // -> true
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๐Ÿ’ก Explanation:

true == []; // -> false
true == ![]; // -> false

// According to the specification

true == []; // -> false

toNumber(true); // -> 1
toNumber([]); // -> 0

1 == 0; // -> false

true == ![]; // -> false

![]; // -> false

true == false; // -> false
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false == []; // -> true
false == ![]; // -> true

// According to the specification

false == []; // -> true

toNumber(false); // -> 0
toNumber([]); // -> 0

0 == 0; // -> true

false == ![]; // -> true

![]; // -> false

false == false; // -> true
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