
Cover image for A new visual change in GitHub 🙄
Md. Fahim Bin Amin
Md. Fahim Bin Amin

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A new visual change in GitHub 🙄

I have seen a new visual change on GitHub today. As an enthusiast in Open-Source, I always surf on GitHub. As I was searching for something on my GitHub profile, I noticed something is missing under my Edit profile section. The Stars section is missing! After a while, I discovered that the section has been shifted to the upper part of my profile from its earlier position! Later, I noticed more visual changes on the badges and the about section of the repository also!

The visual Change

Second Change

The Stars section has a nicely listed visualization, although the feature is still on Beta right now.

Third Change

You can create your own list as well.


After sharing this experience on my Discord server, I realized that many of the users have not gotten the feature yet now. You may try to check whether you have also received the change like me or not.

Anyway, this article is just a discussion-type article. Let me know how you feel about this change. Personally, I like this change as that would help me to check the repository quickly which I have starred already.

Also, if you want, then you can follow me on GitHub as I am very active regarding open-source projects. You may also follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook as well. One more thing, I publish programming-related content on my YouTube channel also, both in English and in the Bengali language. Make sure to check those out too if you want. 😀

Have a nice day! 😊

Top comments (5)

ducaale profile image
Mohamed Dahir

I can't understand why they decided to display the starred/watching/forks count in the sidebar. Now, I have to scroll a little bit just to reach the releases section and see the last released version 😑.

fahimfba profile image
Md. Fahim Bin Amin

It still feels nice to experience some changes once in a while. 😀

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Also buttons on repositories

fahimfba profile image
Md. Fahim Bin Amin

I just noticed that 3 minutes ago! 😀 I am going to add those to the article as well. Thanks for mentioning them here too. 😊

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt
