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Cover image for The Psychology of Color: Use color to enhance learning 👨‍🎨
Mateus V. Farias
Mateus V. Farias

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The Psychology of Color: Use color to enhance learning 👨‍🎨

“Colors aren’t important.”

Oh yeah - then how do you explain traffic lights, warning signs, and rainbows? Color is important, and it’s time we pay attention to color in eLearning too.

Learning is a difficult field to understand, and there’s so much research out there discussing these issues that it’s hard to know where to begin. What’s pretty obvious though is that color plays a key role in creating an environment that fosters learning.

Using the right color, and the correct selection and placement can seriously affect feelings, attention, and behavior when learning. It’s time that we leveraged that to our advantage.

Power Up Setup

First, make shine ✨

I'm using Manjaro OS and theme zsh.

Alt Text

PowerLevel10k: A Zsh theme



Powerlevel10k is a theme for Zsh. It emphasizes speed flexibility and out-of-the-box experience.


Getting started

  1. Install the recommended font. Optional but highly recommended.
  2. Install Powerlevel10k itself.
  3. Restart Zsh with exec zsh.
  4. Type p10k configure if the configuration wizard doesn't start automatically.


Configuration wizard

Type p10k configure to access the builtin configuration wizard right from your terminal.

Screen recording

Powerlevel10k Configuration Wizard

All styles except Pure are functionally equivalent. They display the same information and differ only in presentation.

Configuration wizard creates ~/.p10k.zsh based on your preferences. Additional prompt customization can be done by editing this file. It has plenty of comments to help you navigate through configuration options.


LSDeluxe: The next gen ls command

GitHub logo Peltoche / lsd

The next gen ls command

LSD (LSDeluxe)

license Latest version build codecov versions


This project is a rewrite of GNU ls with lots of added features like colors, icons, tree-view, more formatting options etc The project is heavily inspired by the super colorls project.


Packaging status Packaging status


Install the patched fonts of powerline nerd-font and/or font-awesome. Have a look at the Nerd Font README for more installation instructions. Don't forget to setup your terminal in order to use the correct font.

OS/Distro Command
Archlinux pacman -S lsd
Fedora dnf install lsd
Gentoo sudo emerge sys-apps/lsd
macOS brew install lsd or sudo port install lsd
NixOS nix-env -iA nixos.lsd
FreeBSD pkg install lsd
NetBSD or any pkgsrc platform pkgin install lsd or cd /usr/pkgsrc/sysutils/lsd && make install
Windows scoop install lsd
Android (via Termux) pkg install lsd
Ubuntu/Debian based distro sudo dpkg -i lsd_0.23.1_amd64.deb get .deb file from release page
Solus eopkg it lsd
Void Linux sudo xbps-install lsd
openSUSE sudo

Tilda: A Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix

GitHub logo Peltoche / lsd

The next gen ls command

LSD (LSDeluxe)

license Latest version build codecov versions


This project is a rewrite of GNU ls with lots of added features like colors, icons, tree-view, more formatting options etc The project is heavily inspired by the super colorls project.


Packaging status Packaging status


Install the patched fonts of powerline nerd-font and/or font-awesome. Have a look at the Nerd Font README for more installation instructions. Don't forget to setup your terminal in order to use the correct font.

OS/Distro Command
Archlinux pacman -S lsd
Fedora dnf install lsd
Gentoo sudo emerge sys-apps/lsd
macOS brew install lsd or sudo port install lsd
NixOS nix-env -iA nixos.lsd
FreeBSD pkg install lsd
NetBSD or any pkgsrc platform pkgin install lsd or cd /usr/pkgsrc/sysutils/lsd && make install
Windows scoop install lsd
Android (via Termux) pkg install lsd
Ubuntu/Debian based distro sudo dpkg -i lsd_0.23.1_amd64.deb get .deb file from release page
Solus eopkg it lsd
Void Linux sudo xbps-install lsd
openSUSE sudo

Show your setup

Post your setup in the comments 👇

Top comments (1)

jadenconcord profile image
Jaden Concord

I totally agree how color is important. I just use Manjaro+gnome+plain bash