So, I always wanted a rss reader, which had images for all the articles and I wanted it fast, hence came this idea, I have been using this for my personal use for a very long time now, finally making it open source. - do star on github if you find it good.
Note, this is still a work in progress.
How did I make it static?
- A github action scrapes data and commits the data every 4 hours
- Vercel deploys it whenever a new commit is pushed.
Top comments (21)
not bad but I would love to have J / K navigation or to have a full view navigation like in
Still heavily under progress, thanks for the feedback.
What does J/K navigation mean?
hey man everywhere in the internet you can navigate like that J is the next post K is previous you can try or even also most readers have it like the it is coming from vi/vim if I am not mistaken and is common way to navigate.
Understood, I think I just never used the J / K option, but looks like a very good feature, will def add this in the future.
Hi, project overall looks solid. Dark/light theme toggle is not working for me. I would prefer light theme (or sepia one, blue theme is IMO bad for eyes). Also, would be great to see features like ability to send article to ebook reader email. Once again, good for you - finishing projects is something you can be proud about :)))
Need to work on it, I do have an auto dark mode for now
What I personally use for some time, though without an integrated reader, is as well as its older and non SSL secure version Basically, it's an aggregator for aggregators, or the meta-aggregator you always thought about.
It's been my daily front page of the internet for some time and it did that very well.
This is too intimidating 😅
I love it, great work!
looks awesome. However, a mobile version is probably what I would use.
Thanks for sharing
Agreed, a lot of people asked for the same, even I would prefer the mobile version, I just didnt have the time to make it for phones, it was just an idea executed over the weekend.
Maybe I could work on it in the near futuer
Congratulations Fayaz, awesome work. It's so cool to have the skills to code your own tools
Hey this looks great good work?
Awesome Project and Idea!
I was just making my mind to build an RSS Feeder for myself but you appear.
It looks good on desktop but make it responsive.
Cool. Nice idea and execution.
Great idea and usage of GHA :)