Route53 is an Domain name system service which is widely use across the world for domain name .
Using Route53 service give us the domain name system service .
What is domain name system : ?
- Ex. we created web and deploy it on server and it's Ip is any number like , this IP number can be change in any condition ,
Users cannot remember this number for solving this issue we use specific domain name of our website so by typing it on Browser user can see your website
How DNS works ? =
Ip address of that server _is mapped with the Domain name _so writing it will show the website
This Service mainly works on 3 function
*1. Register Domain name : *
The Website needs name ex ,
Register a specific domain name for your website that will known as domain name
Domain name : use a name in way that it won't use before and available if this condition satisfy then go with the name
*2. Route traffic to the resource of your domain : *
-When your type the domain name in browser Route53 service will redirect that request to your website
How it will Work ?
- Route53 will maintain the hosted zone of all the IP address along with it's Domain name
- From that hosted zone it will check and redirect request to destination
- Checking the health system of resource :
After routing the request it will check the health status of it , is it reachable , available
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