
Cover image for FG.CsvParser: A Powerful .NET Library for Working with CSV Files
Farman Guliyev
Farman Guliyev

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FG.CsvParser: A Powerful .NET Library for Working with CSV Files

FG.CsvParser: A Powerful .NET Library for Working with CSV Files

Working with CSV files is a common task for developers. FG.CsvParser is a .NET Standard 2.1 library designed to make reading, writing, and querying CSV files simple and efficient. With its flexible API and extensive configuration options, FG.CsvParser is the perfect tool for handling your CSV-related tasks.

Key Features of FG.CsvParser

  • Read CSV Files: Convert CSV content into JSON or a list of strongly-typed objects.
  • Write CSV Files: Easily write CSV content to files or append to existing ones.
  • Highly Configurable: Adjust parsing options such as delimiters, row splitters, and encoding to suit your needs.
  • Query CSV Data: Use custom filters to query CSV content efficiently.


To start using FG.CsvParser, you can add it to your project via NuGet:

dotnet add package FG.CsvParser
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Getting Started with FG.CsvParser

Creating a CsvParser Instance

FG.CsvParser allows you to create a parser instance in multiple ways. Here are some examples:

Open a CSV File with Default Settings

var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/file.csv");
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Open a CSV File with a Header Row

var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/file.csv", hasHeader: true);
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Open a CSV File with Custom Configuration

var configuration = new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ',',
    RowSplitter = "\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/file.csv", configuration);
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Reading CSV Content

Convert CSV Content to JSON

using var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/csvfile.csv", new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ',',
    RowSplitter = "\r\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

string? jsonContent = await parser.ReadAsJson();
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Convert CSV Content to a List of Objects

using var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/csvfile.csv", new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ',',
    RowSplitter = "\r\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

List<MyDataClass> dataList = await parser.ReadAs<MyDataClass>();
foreach (var data in dataList)

public class MyDataClass
    public string Name { get; set; }

    [CsvColumn("Home address")]
    public string HomeAddress { get; set; }
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Writing CSV Content

Write CSV Content as a String

using var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/file.csv", new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ',',
    RowSplitter = "\r\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

string csvContent = "Column1,Column2\nValue1,Value2\nValue3,Value4";
await parser.WriteAsync(csvContent, append: false);
Console.WriteLine("CSV content written to file.");
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Write a List of Objects to CSV

var dataList = new List<MyDataClass>
    new MyDataClass { Column1 = "Value1", Column2 = 1 },
    new MyDataClass { Column1 = "Value2", Column2 = 2 }

await parser.WriteAsync(dataList, append: false);
Console.WriteLine("List of objects written to CSV file.");
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Querying CSV Content

You can query CSV data using custom filters to extract only the information you need.

using var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/csvfile.csv", new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ',',
    RowSplitter = "\r\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

await foreach (var item in parser.Query<MyDataClass>(data => data.Column2 > 100))
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Configuration Options

The CsvParserConfiguration class provides extensive configuration options to customize your CSV parsing experience:

var configuration = new CsvParserConfiguration
    HasHeader = true,
    Delimitter = ';',
    RowSplitter = "\n",
    Encoding = Encoding.UTF8

using var parser = CsvParser.OpenFile("path/to/your/file.csv", configuration);
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Why Choose FG.CsvParser?

FG.CsvParser simplifies working with CSV files by providing a clean and intuitive API. Whether you need to process CSV files for small tasks or large-scale applications, FG.CsvParser offers the tools and flexibility required to handle your data efficiently.

Install FG.CsvParser today and take control of your CSV workflows!

Visit FG.CsvParser on GitHub for More Information

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