DEV Community

Matt Levy for Ficus

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Delay font loading using Javascript

Achieving 100% across the board in Lighthouse can be tricky to do.

alt text

One of the assets of any web application is fonts. Loading fonts can have an impact on page load times and directly affects Lighthouse scores.

Fonts are often placed in the page <head> using a <link> tag.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"> 
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Whilst this is the recommended way to load fonts, style sheets loaded in the <head> block rendering and impact page load times.

A simple solution

Whilst Javascript shouldn't be used in place of HTML or CSS, it does offer the ability to create a simple solution that doesn't impact load times and takes one step closer to the 100% Lighthouse score.

The following snippet delays the loading of fonts until the page has loaded. This means that fonts are not available whilst the page is being rendered, they are rendered after page load.

[''].forEach(function (f) {
  const gf = document.createElement('link')
  gf.rel = 'stylesheet'
  gf.href = f
  gf.type = 'text/css'
  const gd = document.getElementsByTagName('link')[0]
  gd.parentNode.insertBefore(gf, gd)
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This snippet of Javascript relies on an existing <link> tag to exist in the <head> so it can attach the font stylesheet. If you are using Google fonts or other CDN, it is recommended to use a rel="preconnect" link tag to tell the browser to establish an early connection with that origin.

<link rel="preconnect" href="">
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How to use

Copy the following Javascript into a file named fonts.mjs and include URLs to the style sheets you want to load:

[''].forEach(function (f) {
  const gf = document.createElement('link')
  gf.rel = 'stylesheet'
  gf.href = f
  gf.type = 'text/css'
  const gd = document.getElementsByTagName('link')[0]
  gd.parentNode.insertBefore(gf, gd)
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Add a <script> tag to your HTML page pointing to the Javascript file:

<script type="module" src="/path/to/fonts.mjs"></script>
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Top comments (1)

ducksoupdev profile image
Matt Levy

Yes agreed, it can be an issue with certain fonts so definitely something to bear in mind. I have been working with sans-serif fonts where the layout shift is minimal and performance is more important on first load.