Recently, I had to recover from my own bout of burnout because I was trying to do too much. What started as me trying to learn a couple of new tech...
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As somebody who's struggling to find a non-tech hobby, I agree 100% with what you've said.For as much as I love working on my personal projects after work, I'm aware I should focus on other type of hobbies too.
I highly recommend for a "non-tech" hobby to get into powerlifting and/or bjj/mma. Lots of fun and gets you in good shape as long as your diet is decent!
Same here, a huge BJJ fan, would definitely recommend!
My brother( he is an intense coder) was talking to me and said that he woke up in the middle of the night and his hand was typing... I've been trying my best to get him away from his computer but it isn't working.
I remember when I was a student(at uni), my progress was much better when I had a part time job than when I had the whole week for study. Simply because I had shorter time for study and I didn't want to cancel any other plan.(Like meeting with friends, seeing my parents, explore new hobbies etc.)
Of course the progress wasn't that good when I needed to work 4-5 days per week because I was tired and I had definitely less time than I needed for everything else..
I learnt to have a balance(but it is really hard to live like that sometimes).
I guess it's true for everything: Have a good balance and limit for everything?
Yes! Couldn't agree more! I tap dance and do weight-lifting at least once a week each otherwise it's too easy to spiral into stress without even noticing!
Can just go full-in on the nerd thing and get a nerdy hobby too.
Just amazing!
I agree with you. I have lots of non-tech hobbies like scale modelling, reading books, floriculture and others. It really helps me the enjoy life and I don't bore from programming.
Definitely true, I do farming for a hobby.
That's why I returned to the gym after a year!
3 times a week and I forced myself to a normal schedule (working from 9-5, before I was working from 11 AM to 7 PM). I even feel much more refreshed and focused, really hope some new "framework" won't suck me in. :) Now I only spend 1-2 nights with my personal projects instead of 5-6 :D
I'm agreed with you, Milecia. My hobbies right now is cycling. I love riding my bike 2 o 3 times in week.
This is definitely an article that needs to be written, but it is kind of sad that it needs to be said explicitly.
When I get a chance I spend time writing songs and recording them. I still stay closer to tech because songs are I write are on life of a software engineer. :p