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Cover image for JavaScript Array find() Method
Francisco Inoque
Francisco Inoque

Posted on

JavaScript Array find() Method

The find () method returns the value of the first element of the array that satisfies the test function provided. Otherwise, the undefined value is returned.

const users = [
        user_id: '1234',
        first_name: 'Francisco',
        last_name: 'Inoque',
        email: '',
        username: '@franciscoinoque'

        user_id: '5678',
        first_name: 'Jose',
        last_name: 'David',
        email: '',
        username: '@josedavid'

        user_id: '9101',
        first_name: 'Peter',
        last_name: 'Jordan',
        email: '',
        username: '@peterjordan'

        user_id: '1112',
        first_name: 'Clifton',
        last_name: 'Urik',
        email: '',
        username: '@cliftonurik'

let error_msg = {
     error: 'User not found'
function findUserByUserID(user_id)
    const user = users.find(user => user.user_id === user_id);

    if (user)
        return user;
    }  else
        return error_msg

const getUser = findUserByUserID('1112')
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