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Frontendor Team
Frontendor Team

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We earned $2.6k after we go viral on HackerNews

Hello Everyone, 👋

Yesterday, we posted our product (create landing pages by copy-paste) on HackerNews and got it to the front page without any help from friends (no up-votes or comments).

🙌 Results in 48 hours:

10k+ visits
840+ visited our Gumroad page
80+ sales & $2.6k

If you want to make it, consider following these tips:

👉 Post on Sunday (less competition).
👉 Reply quickly to all comments (my friend didn't sleep all night 😝)
👉 Try to open conversations (this will really help you rank higher)
👉 Choose your headline carefully (we got many compliments about our headline)
👉 Don't break the rules, read the guideline.

Good luck 😻

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