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Cover image for Golang middleware && Wei, Jin, Southern and Southern Dynasties

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Golang middleware && Wei, Jin, Southern and Southern Dynasties

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The holographic projections symbolize the implementation of Golang middleware to transition and integrate new systems efficiently, reflecting Sima Yan's establishment of the Jin Dynasty.

Wei, Jin, Southern and Southern Dynasties

At the end of the Later Han Dynasty, Cao Pi (220-226), son of Cao Cao, established the Wei Dynasty (220-265) in northern China. Concurrently, Liu Bei (221-223) founded the Shu state (221-263) in Sichuan, and Sun Quan (229-252) established the Wu state (222-280) in Jiangnan, leading to the era of the Three Kingdoms. The Wei Dynasty eventually conquered Shu, and the Wei general Sima Yan (Emperor Wu, r. 265-290) overthrew Wei to establish the Jin Dynasty (265-316). The Jin Dynasty unified China in 280 but soon collapsed due to internal conflicts (the Eight Kings Rebellion, 290-306). During this time, the Xiongnu and other northern tribes gained strength. When the Xiongnu moved south, they destroyed the Jin Dynasty, leading to the chaotic period of the Wu Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms (304-439), characterized by intense warfare. The Jin family established the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420) in Jiangnan to resist these invasions. In the 5th century, the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534), founded by the Tuoba clan, unified northern China, while the Rouran Khaganate opposed them on the Mongolian plateau. In the south, the Song Dynasty (420-479) succeeded the Eastern Jin. This era is known as the Northern and Southern Dynasties Period (439-589), marked by the rise and fall of five northern dynasties and four southern dynasties.

What is Golang middleware?

The term “middleware,” used when setting up an API server in Go, refers to the layer that processes HTTP requests along the way.
For example, it rewrites HTTP headers of the request, assigns a unique key to the request, outputs logs, and performs other processing that you may want to manage as a whole system, such as authentication.
authentication, and other processes that you want to manage as a whole system.


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