1. Open terminal and execute the next commands:
echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://apt.fury.io/notion-repackaged/ /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources...
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Hey, wonderful that it works so easily. However a multitude of keyboard inputs doesn't work for me, such as "/" for example which is terrible. The desktop app doesn't recognize my shift+7 as "/", but as no input.
I can't find any settings for this. How does this desktop version readout keyboard input?
I have been having the same issue, the application doesnt register "/". I am gonna uninstall and then install it from the software center using snap. Although, I am going to start using obsidian now, you should check it out.
you can change the keyboard layout to the US format in the settings as UK format is the default setting that should resolve this issue
I appreciate your efforts. But after installing it on my Ubuntu it doesn't load.

Hi! I checked this problem, do the following:
1) If you still have the Notion app files on your system, uninstall them
2) Now run this command to install a new version
same issue on my side tooo
I'm having the same issue, did you find a fix?
Louis, try installing a new version of Notion using the following command:
So reviews tells me this is a virus/keylogger app..?
Installing notion-app-enhanced and notion-app are exclusive, so steps 3 and 4 can be done with either one. As of December 2023, the version is Notion 2.0.18-1, and it starts and remains in a loading state, but the reason for this is that the JavaScript content updates on the app side are not keeping up with Notion updates. do not have. (Similarly, the reason for not being able to type some characters seems to be the same.) I referred to github.com/notion-enhancer/notion-... and used the patch found there, patch-notion-enhanced.sh, and it seems to be working. (On Xubuntu22.04 x64)
*/-- before translate Original text --
notion-app-enhancedと notion-appのインストールは排他的になるので手順3と4はどちらか一方で良い。2023/12の今の時点でバージョンがNotion 2.0.18-1で、起動してローディングの状態のままになるが、これの原因はNotionの更新に対してアプリ側のJavaScriptの内容更新が追い付いていない。(同様に一部の文字が打てない事も原因は同じようだが)。ここgithub.com/notion-enhancer/notion-... x64にて)
This works!
hey RayFrightener how do you remove this from your linux what is the command you used for this
Thanks, you help me a lot.
After Executing hundreds of commands from other websites and chatgpt..
Thank You..This Works Perfect for Me..
thanks for saving up my time <3
Does it still work? (in 2024 that is) or am I doing something wrong? :(
Hi, use the command:
So reviews tells me this is a virus/keylogger app..
okay I am new to linux not able to install this what is the command to remove this from my linux
Hi Aman! Is very simple, use the command below to uninstall and delete any dependency on your system.
Hi) thank you for good guide)
but after running command 3) or 4) I got a massage
"enable to locate package (notion-app and so on)"
did you ever fix this? ive got the same issue
After I give the command 'sudo apt install notion-app-enhanced' it tells me ' unable to locate package notion-app-enhanced'.
Does anyone know what this means?
I just installed on Ubuntu 24.04 with "sudo snap install notion-snap-reborn". What are the benefits from this app vs web?
Thank you:) Finally, I can use Notion app in Ubuntu
Thank you :)