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Maven Build Life Cycle

In Apache Maven, the build process is defined by a series of build phases organized into a lifecycle. These build phases represent different stages in the software development lifecycle and are executed in a specific order. Understanding Maven's build lifecycle is crucial for effectively managing a Maven project. Here's an explanation of the Maven build lifecycle:

1. Clean Lifecycle:

  • clean: This phase is responsible for cleaning up the project. It deletes the target directory, removing all the compiled bytecode, resources, and files generated by the previous build.
   mvn clean
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2. Default Lifecycle:

  • validate: Validates the project is correct and all necessary information is available.
  • compile: Compiles the source code of the project.
  • test: Runs tests using a suitable testing framework (e.g., JUnit).
  • package: Takes the compiled code and packages it into a distributable format (e.g., JAR, WAR).
  • install: Installs the package into the local repository, making it available for other projects locally.
  • deploy: Copies the final package to the remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects.
   mvn compile
   mvn test
   mvn package
   mvn install
   mvn deploy
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3. Site Lifecycle:

  • site: Generates site documentation for the project.
   mvn site
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4. Clean Lifecycle (post-clean phase):

  • post-clean: Executes actions after the project has been cleaned.
   mvn clean
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Each of these phases is made up of plugin goals. Plugins are collections of goals which can be bound to build phases. When you run a specific phase, Maven executes all the phases up to and including that phase in the order they are defined in the lifecycle.

For example, if you execute mvn install, Maven will execute all the phases up to install in the default lifecycle: validate, compile, test, package, and finally, install.

Additionally, you can bind your own goals to these lifecycle phases in your project's POM (Project Object Model) file. This allows you to customize the build process according to your project's requirements.

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