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30 games you can play to learn to code

Howdy Geeks! πŸ‘‹

It is the 21st Century and games are an integral part of our lives. But did you know you can learn coding by playing games? If not, you’re in luck today.

Presenting the 30 games you can play to learn a variety of programming languages

1. JS Robot

Learn the basics of javascript.

2. Elevator Saga

Make the elevators efficiently move people through floors and avoid backlogs.

3. WarriorJS

Code your way through dungeons, prove your skills, and get hired.

4. Untrusted

A text-based dungeon crawler where you progress with the aid of JavaScript.

5. Code Monster

Learn the basics of JavaScript on the browser.

6. JavaScript Fight Club

Playing Javascript games to master fundamentals.

7. Yare

Real-Time Strategy game where you control your units by writing JavaScript code.

8. Codewars

Improve your skills by training with others on real code challenges.

9. CodinGame

Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better.

10. Cyber Dojo

Hone your programming skills in a huge range of languages, writing code to pass tests.

11. Grasshopper

Fun, quick lessons on your phone that teach you to write real JavaScript.

12. ReturnTrue

A game where you learn about booleans, return true to win.

13. Coding Fantasy

Learn to code in a revolutionary new, fun, and effective way.

14. CodeCombat

Learn how to code by playing a game.

15. Web Audio School

Interactive WebAudio tutorials.

16. CodinGame

A challenge-based training platform where you can play with the hottest programming topics.

17. Cube Composer

A puzzle game inspired by functional programming.

18. Codecademy

Learn to code interactively, for free.

19. Code Avengers

Learn to build websites, apps, and games in a fun and effective way.

20. CSS Battle

Test your CSS skills by solving coding challenges.

21. CSS Dinner

Solve challenges by arranging dishes and food and learn about CSS selectors.

22. Grid Garden

Write CSS code to grow your carrot garden while learning about the CSS grid.

23. Flexbox defense

Stop the incoming enemies from getting past your defenses using CSS.

24. Flexbox froggy

Master CSS Flexbox.

25. Hex Invaders

Learn about HEX colors by shooting off aliens having the same colors!

26. Robocode

Code robots, win matches, rank up.

27. Checkio

Practice Python Online

28. Ruby Warrior

A game written in Ruby for learning Ruby and artificial intelligence.

29. SQL Mystery

There's been a Murder in SQL City! The SQL Murder Mystery is designed to be both a self-directed lesson to learn SQL concepts and commands and a fun game for experienced SQL users to solve an intriguing crime.

30. Oh my git!

An open-source game about learning Git!

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