Hey developers
I am excited to introduce a new open-source library that bridges the gap between Express backends and Axios frontend clients with unrivaled type safety. Axiosflow automatically generates type-safe Axios client functions directly from your Express.js backend API definitions. This eliminates tedious boilerplate code and ensures seamless integration between your frontend and backend, boosting developer productivity and reducing errors.
Core capabilities:
- express backend integration
- client function generation
- dynamic route support
- type-safe
- minimal configuration
and, I'm eager to hear your thoughts.
You can use axiosflow by executing commands in the root project folder :
# Basic generation
axiosflow generate
# With specific options
axiosflow generate -b http://localhost:3000 -o ./src/services
These API functions generated by Axiosflow look like this:
* Auto-generated types based on API schema
* Generated by axiosflow
* @generated
* @timestamp 2024-12-30T08:09:14.272Z
import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig, isAxiosError } from 'axios';
import { BASE_URL, endpoints } from './apiConfig';
import { UserRequest, User } from './types';
* * Performs a GET request to /users
* @param {AxiosRequestConfig} [config] - Optional Axios request configuration
* @returns {Promise<User>} - User response data
* @throws {Error} - Throws an error for network or API-related issues
* @example
* * const result = await get_users();
export const get_users = async (
data?: Record<string, unknown>,
config?: AxiosRequestConfig
): Promise<User> => {
// URL parameter replacement utility
const replaceUrlParams = (url: string, data?: Record<string, unknown>) => {
if (!data) return url;
return url.replace(/:(\w+)/g, (_, key) =>
data[key as keyof typeof data] !== undefined
? String(data[key as keyof typeof data])
: ''
// Construct base URL
const baseUrl = BASE_URL + endpoints.get_users;
// Replace URL parameters
const url = replaceUrlParams(baseUrl, data);
const requestConfig: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: 'GET',
params: data,
NPM link is here: link
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