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Orchestrating Secrets Across Kubernetes Clusters: Precision and Automation

Secrets, like API keys, passwords, and certificates, are critical confidential data. Centralized secret management across Kubernetes clusters offers key benefits: improved visibility, simplified updates, and enhanced security. By managing secrets in one location, you gain a clear overview, automate updates to all clusters, and can quickly isolate compromised clusters by revoking their access through label changes.

What is Sveltos?

Sveltos is a set of Kubernetes controllers that run in the management cluster. From the management cluster, Sveltos can manage add-ons and applications on a fleet of managed Kubernetes clusters. It is a declarative tool to ensure that the desired state of an application is always reflected in the actual state of the Kubernetes managed clusters.

Sveltos installation details can be found here.

Distrubute Secret to all Production clusters

Sveltos is used to manage four Kubernetes clusters: EKS, GKE, Civo, and an on-premises deployment. The EKS, GKE, and Civo clusters share the label env: production.

A secret created in the management cluster is then distributed by Sveltos to the production clusters.

Sveltos: Distribute Secret to all production clusters

Create Secret

kubectl create secret generic -n default login-credential --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=mypassword
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Post the Sveltos configuration:

kind: ClusterProfile
  name: deploy-resources
  clusterSelector: # Deploy to all cluster with label env: production
      env: production
  - resource: # Fetch the Secret from the management cluster
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
      name: login-credentials
      namespace: default
    identifier: Credentials
  policyRefs: # Use this ConfigMap as a template and deploy its content, populating it with data from the referenced Secret.
  - kind: ConfigMap
    name: info
    namespace: default
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: info
  namespace: default
  annotations: "true"  # add annotation to indicate Sveltos content is a template
  secret.yaml: |
    {{ copy "Credentials" }}
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This YAML configuration tells Sveltos to perform three actions. First, it fetches the login-credentials Secret from the default namespace. Second, it takes the info ConfigMap from the default namespace, uses it as a template, and deploys the instantiated content using data from the login-credentials Secret. Finally, it deploys the login-credentials Secret to all Kubernetes clusters with the env: production label.

Automating Secret Deployment with Event-Based Triggers

Imagine you have a multi-cluster Kubernetes environment where different teams or applications need access to specific secrets. Instead of manually deploying these secrets to each cluster or pre-provisioning them, you want a more dynamic and automated approach.

By using Sveltos to monitor for events like the creation of namespaces with certain labels (e.g., credentials: required), you can automatically trigger the deployment of relevant secrets.

Sveltos: Deploy Secret in response to events

kind: EventSource
  name: requiring-credentials
  collectResources: true
  - group: ""
    version: "v1"
    kind: "Namespace"
    - key: credentials
      operation: Equal
      value: required
kind: EventTrigger
  name: distribute-credentials
      env: production
  eventSourceName: requiring-credentials
  - resource:
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
      name: login-credentials
      namespace: default
    identifier: Credentials
  - resource: # This refers to the resource that Sveltos dynamically generates using ConfigMapGenerator.
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
      name: "{{ .Cluster.metadata.namespace }}-{{ }}-namespaces"
      namespace: projectsveltos
    identifier: Namespaces
  - name: namespaces
    namespace: default
    nameFormat: "{{ .Cluster.metadata.namespace }}-{{ }}-namespaces"
  - kind: ConfigMap
    name: info
    namespace: default
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: namespaces 
  namespace: default
  annotations: "true"
  namespaces: |
    {{- range $v := .MatchingResources }}
       {{ $v.Name }}: "ok"
    {{- end }} 
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: info
  namespace: default
  annotations: "true"  # add annotation to indicate Sveltos content is a template
  secret.yaml: |
    {{ $namespaces := ( ( index (getResource "Namespaces").data "namespaces" ) | fromYaml ) }}
    {{- range $key, $value := $namespaces }}
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
          namespace: {{ $key }}
          name: {{ (getResource "Credentials") }}
          {{- range $secretKey, $secretValue := (getResource "Credentials").data }}
            {{ $secretKey }} : {{ $secretValue }}
          {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
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This Sveltos configuration automates the targeted deployment of the login-credentials secret. It monitors your production Kubernetes clusters for the creation of new namespaces labeled credentials: required. Upon detection, Sveltos automatically deploys the login-credentials secret into those specific namespaces.

This allows for dynamic, targeted, and automated secret distribution, ensuring that secrets are only deployed where and when they are needed.

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Thank you for reading!

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