Hi, I am Giorgio Lasala and this is my submission for Github Actions Hackaton.
This is also my first post on Dev.to !
Submission Category
Wacky Wildcards
How it works
Project is composed of three components:
- A Github workflow triggered by issue events and powered by free and open-source Github actions
- A simple Azure Function to receive event and write to Azure CosmosDb
- A PowerBI Report to show finally issues on world map!
Workflow pipeline
Yaml pipeline uses two opensource Github Actions:
: to query about user location info -
: to post JSON data to Azure Function
When workflow is triggered by a new issue (or comment), the first step
- uses: octokit/graphql-action@v2.x
id: get_user_info
query: |
query info($owner:String!) {
user(login: $owner) {
owner: ${{ github.actor }}
extracts location from user profile, using GraphQL Github API.
Instead second step
- uses: satak/webrequest-action@master
USERLOCATION: ${{ steps.get_user_info.outputs.data }}
USERNAME: ${{ github.actor }}
REPOSITORY: ${{ github.repository }}
url: 'http://0caad210bf6f.ngrok.io/api/ReceiveIssue'
method: 'POST'
headers: '{"x-functions-key": "${{ secrets.FUNCTION_KEY }}"}'
payload: '{ "location": ${{ env.USERLOCATION }}, "repository": "${{ env.REPOSITORY }}", "username": "${{ env.USERNAME }}" }'
creates a complete JSON payload and send it to Azure Function in order to store it in database.
Azure Function
It is a HTTP Trigger Azure Function that receives event from Github pipeline and writes to CosmosDb using OutputBinding.
Azure function must be invoked using a function key, received by x-functions-key
HTTP header.
public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
databaseName: "Github",
collectionName: "Issues",
ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection")] IAsyncCollector<Event> eventsOut,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation("Received event");
string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
string location = data.location.user.location;
string repos = data.repository;
string username = data.username;
var eventObj = new Event()
Location = location,
Username = username,
EventDate = DateTime.Now,
Repository = repos
await eventsOut.AddAsync(eventObj);
return new OkObjectResult("Event inserted");
catch(Exception ex)
log.LogError(ex, "Error insert event");
return new BadRequestObjectResult("Event not valid");
PowerBi Report
This is one of first PowerBi report, so I am not skilled about it and any suggestions are welcome!
There is an issue... on published report, data aren't updated in real time (you can find more details on Microsoft Docs and a trick to schedule hourly data refresh).
However using a DirectQuery supported datasource this problem can be overcome.
At the end, report is published on a public website!
Yaml File and Link to Code
You can check out the code on my GitHub Repository
Map your Issues
This repository contains a Github Action workflow triggered on new issues to create a World map of issues location.
How it works
It is composed of three components:
- A Github workflow triggered by issue events and powered by free and open-source Github actions
- A simple Azure Function to receive event and write to Azure CosmosDb
- A PowerBI Report to show finally issues on world map!
Workflow pipeline
Yaml pipeline uses two opensource Actions:
: to query about user location info using Github GraphQL API -
: to post JSON data to Azure Function
In next days (after I will check some stuff) I will publish also PowerBi report on GitHub repository!
Additional Resources / Info
If you like, please add a β and especially write an issue, so you can pin π you on map
Nice to have
This is obviously a simple Proof-Of-Concept project developed in some hours, but I think in next days/weeks I will try to improve such as:
β¬ Use DirectQuery Datasource to have near-real time updates (or alternatively develop a complete website using SignalR and Azure Maps or similar)
β¬ Improve Azure-side pipeline to improve scalability (e.g. using Azure Event Hub + data enrichments from other sources)
β¬ Create a shared-world-map of all Github repositories!
β¬ Create IaC script to speed up deployments
β¬ Extract data from issue message, using Text Analysis AI algorithms
β Improve Security with Function Authorization Key
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