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Atomic Note-Taking Guide on December 08, 2024

What is Atomic Note-Taking? Atomic note-taking is a method of organizing information into independent, atomic units. The aim is to build...
jonesbeach profile image
Jones Beach

I appreciate your methodical explanation of the system you have built! how long have you been using this system?

I used to do something similar in Vim and I had some JS I used to compile them into Markdown books. it was kinda useful but also over-engineered 😂 nowadays I just have a Notion doc where I keep an outline and then each month I move to a new doc so it is self-archiving 🤓

gokayburuc profile image

I discovered the first principles of this system in this YouTube Video:

But still, I needed to customize it to suit my mindset. So I started to prune unnecessary items from these ideas. Jumping from Editor to Editor wasn't a solution. So I started to minimize my notes by using templates.

I am writing about a specific topic (for instance, "#termux") whenever I learned new information or get a new idea. And merging my notes regularly, inspires me to create new tech articles. For example, every weekend I am merging my notes about a topic such as bash, Termux, rust, project-ideas, new technologies etc.

And also I am using the voice recorder (smartphone and voice recorder device) with the format like this:

Hello its 09-12-2024
The topic is "......" 
I am recording this at "..." 
This inspired me to take this note "..." 
( Optional self notes :  Read About It It, Research About it. Fix it , Hack it)
This is how to achieve it . "..."
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This keeps me on the target although all the madness of life in my country and living around.

Control is an illusion but staying on the road is everything. All the productivity stuffs focus on the "life control". I focus on clarity, simplicity, and persistence. Nothing will be perfect, but I will be still on the road until I reach it.

Nobody wants to waste their times to try to understand complex and long articles. People just wants to learn new information and ideas in the simplest and quickest way. So break apart the complex ideas into smaller atomic parts is the best way to learn. When I assemble these small parts, it brings out the product I wanted to create.

jonesbeach profile image
Jones Beach

Love this!

I focus on clarity, simplicity, and persistence. Nothing will be perfect, but I will be still on the road until I reach it.

stainlessray profile image

Haven't come to decide to write anything to enhance my similar approach. But I just use a notepad++ doc to do something very similar. The notes are topical but also timeline bound.

My work is such that I may need to do something twice over the course of a year and it won't be the same both times. Something about the process will change.

So I keep topical notes over time on daily work and reference material is created from that using automation. I use simple markdown syntax and switching a file to ".md" will instantly provide highlights for the sections.

Automating the tags for related data from different dates is a goal I have. So topics can have a timeline, notes can be taken without ever searching for them later because related notes will be married.

I think my point is, I get what you're doing. I was doing similar but with some caveats, without writing any code. Mainly because I was still trying to figure out what works best for my situation over time.

While I like the idea of atomicity, it's not something that fits my use case. And would be problematic when beginning on a complex project. I think it could be really good for learning, which is your example.

gokayburuc profile image

Large and complex buildings are built from small bricks.

To write a telegram bot using Rust, you can break the work down as follows:

Cloud Service

If you work on one topic at a time, one library at a time, you will have a fully working telegram bot at the end of the project. If you don't know how to put it together you'll just end up with a pile of bricks lying around.If you put a brick in the right place every day, you will eventually build a building. If you run the project simultaneously, you will spend more effort to fix the project at the first mistake. This is one of the disadvantages of distributed systems.If you know what you are doing at the beginning, you can complete your project in a short time by focusing only on the error when an error occurs.Of course, these are all recommendations from friends.

juniourrau profile image
Ravin Rau

Great explanation of your note-taking system! I do something similar with my Obsidian vault, which I use as my "second brain" to store everything I learn. Breaking down notes into small pieces is a smart way to stay organized and helps connect ideas later on. Thanks for sharing this.

gokayburuc profile image

"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. -Henry Ford" 🍏

foyoyah944 profile image

Oh this is a nice read!! Have you tried other platforms like Upnote or Bear?

gokayburuc profile image

I haven't used it yet, but I took a glance. They have similar interfaces. I saw another option called Inkdrop.

All the next-generation note-taking apps have similar interfaces. I am a big fan of note-taking apps with fuzzy file search options with tag and file query search features. As a developer, I personally prefer to customize my note-taking app, so I created an Obsidian theme called Cyberpunk (not published yet), which consists of a Cyberpunk color palette. Unfortunately, this project is under construction nowadays.

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I made personal configurations to automate notes in Obsidian, such as changing hotkeys and adding only necessary plugins (Project, Kanban Board, Omni-search, file colors, etc.).

Nowadays, I am focusing on the issues of pruning and merging my notes quickly and properly. Perhaps I can consider other options in the coming days. Thank you very much for your suggestion.

gimalay profile image
Dmytro Halichenko

Wow, this is really cool! I’ve built extension for note taking in Vim and other editors