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Javad Rajabzadeh for Gopher

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Project Management Strategy in golang

Project Creator

create project and management with go modules

Create your project

  1. go to GOPATH in local cd $GOPATH
  2. If there is no src,bin,pkg folder, create them mkdir -p {src,bin,pkg}
  3. go to src folder cd src
  4. create your github repository
  5. create folder mkdir -p
    • change username to your username
  6. go to folder via cd
  7. clone project from github git clone
  8. go to project folder cd project
  9. create the first Go module in the project go mod init
  10. You can now add modules to your project using go get ...

Project structure type

  1. Flat Structures - Basic
├── file1.go
├── file2.go
├── file3.go
├── main.go
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  1. Standard Structures - Good
├── _example // this is dir for your examples
│   ├── sample1
│       ├── sample1.go
│       └── sample1_test.go
│   └── sample2
│       ├── sample2.go
│       └── sample2_test.go
├── dir1
│   ├── file1.go
│   └── file1_test.go
├── dir2
│   ├── file2.go
│   └── file2_test.go
├── dir3
│   ├── file3.go
│   ├── file3_test.go
│   ├── file4.go
│   ├── file4_test.go
│   └── file5.go
├── dir4
│   ├── samplefolder
│       ├── file6.go
│       └── file6_test.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go or project.go // project.go for pkg project
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  1. MVC Pattern Structures - Excellent
├── _example // this is dir for your examples
│   ├── sample1
│       ├── sample1.go
│       └── sample1_test.go
│   └── sample2
│       ├── sample2.go
│       └── sample2_test.go
├── module
│   ├── file1.go
│   ├── file1_test.go
│   └── samplefolder
│       ├── file6.go
│       └── file6_test.go
├── view
│   ├── file2.go
│   └── file2_test.go
├── controller
│   ├── file3.go
│   ├── file3_test.go
│   ├── file4.go
│   ├── file4_test.go
│   └── file5.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
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Project Contributor

  1. Create a fork of the target project in your repository
  2. Go to your $GOPATH via cd $GOPATH
  3. Create the bin,pkg,src folders if you don't already have them using mkdir -p {src,bin,pkg}.
  4. Create the target module's original path using mkdir -p src/
  5. Change the username of the target module to the creator of the project or the organization
  6. Go to target path cd src/
  7. Clone the forked project in the current directory by cloning git clone
  8. Go to project folder cd project
  9. By using go get ./..., obtaining the necessary packages
  10. You should add git remote upstream to update your fork.
  11. Working on your project and sending your PR
  12. Every time before you start coding, you should:
    • git fetch upstream
    • git merge upstream/main
    • git merge upstream/branch1
    • git merge upstream/branch2
    • Push any changes to your forked branch via git push origin main or git push origin branch1

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