First of all, I want to tell you I created the tool graphql-zeus
it is GraphQL client on top of the fetch function. What it means? Basically, you point Zeus to the GraphQL schema and it generates libraries for you.
Sounds fun? It is even more fun because you don't have to know gql
the query language of GraphQL because Zeus provides you with its own GraphQL query like autocompleted syntax.
Create a project folder:
mkdir zeus-tutorial
cd zeus-tutorial
Let's start then. First, you will have to init a new npm package:
npm init
click enter enter enter etc.
Install dev dependencies.
npm i -D @babel/core @babel/node @babel/preset-env
Install dependencies.
npm i node-fetch
Then Create .babelrc file
echo '{ "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"] }' >> .babelrc
Then Create the src directory
mkdir src
and create a index.js
touch src/index.js
Add script to your package.json
"scripts": {
"start": "babel-node src/index.js"
Your whole package.json should look like this:
"name": "zeustutorial",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "main/index.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "babel-node src/index.js"
"author": "Aexol <> (",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.5.5",
"@babel/node": "^7.5.5",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.5.5"
"dependencies": {
"node-fetch": "^2.6.0"
Now it is high time to generate some code from GraphQL. Go ahead install graphql-zeus
install graphql-zeus
npm i -g graphql-zeus
Generate files from pokemon schema
zeus ./src
Hurray! You should have definition files generated in ./src folder.
Now go and open some editor of choice - I prefer VSCode but it is up to you. I can guarantee it works with VSCode though.
Open package directory with editor. Open src/index.js
In the first part of the series, we will write simple query loading first ten pokemon names and images and display it in the terminal.
import { Chain } from "./graphql-zeus";
const chain = Chain("");
const run = async () => {
const { pokemons } = await chain.Query({
pokemons: [
first: 10
name: true,
image: true
return pokemons;
In zeus everything is typed so when you write chain.
You should see Query and when you open {}
parentheses you should see all the possible queries.
In zeus everything is autocompleted so you don't have to learn gql
And run it with being in the project folder
npm run start
You should see the first ten pokemon in the output! Congratulations you've just done your first GraphQL query.
If you want to support me creating graphql-zeus
GraphQL client and GraphQL code generator with GraphQL autocomplete library generation ⚡⚡⚡ for browser,nodejs and react native ( apollo compatible )
Strongly Typed GraphQL from the team at GraphQL Editor
How it works
GraphQL Zeus is the absolute best way to interact with your GraphQL endpoints in a type-safe way. Zeus uses your schema to generate Typescript types and strongly typed clients to unlock the power, efficiency, productivity and safety of Typescript on your GraphQL requests.
⚡️ Validates queries and selectors
⚡️ Types mapped from your schema
⚡️ Fetch all primitive fields with one function
⚡️ Works with Apollo Client, React Query, Stucco Subscriptions (*more coming soon...)
⚡️ Works with Subscriptions
⚡️ Infer complex response types
⚡️ Create reusable selection sets (like fragments) for use across multiple queries
⚡️ Supports GraphQL Unions, Interfaces, Aliases and Variables
⚡️ Handles massive schemas
⚡️ Supports Browsers, Node.js and React Native in Javascript and Typescript
⚡️ Schema downloader
⚡️ JSON schema generation
Full documentation
Our full documentation has all the use cases of:
- scalars
- …
and leave a star. That's it.
Top comments (1)
Good topic 🐒