What do you wish a new full-stack developer to do before their first day to ensure a smooth onboarding experience?
We’d like you to review and strengthen your knowledge in the following key areas. This guide includes recommended resources and specific focus points for each technology.
1. TypeScript Fundamentals
Key Focus Areas:
- Type inference and explicit typing
- Interfaces vs Types
- Generics and utility types
- Advanced type concepts (unions, intersections, mapped types)
- TypeScript configuration and tsconfig.json
- Error handling with TypeScript (e.g. how to work with https://sentry.io )
Recommended Practice:
- Convert a small JavaScript project to TypeScript
- Implement generic types for common data structures
- Practice strict null checks and type narrowing
- Use https://sentry.io on your project and see what you can gain from it in production.
2. Tailwind CSS
Key Focus Areas:
- Utility-first approach
- Responsive design patterns
- Custom configuration
- Component patterns and reusability
- Dark mode implementation
- Performance optimization
Recommended Practice:
- Build a responsive component library
- Implement custom design tokens
- Practice using @apply directives
- Create adaptive layouts using Tailwind’s breakpoint system
3. Node.js & Express
Key Focus Areas:
- Asynchronous programming patterns
- Middleware implementation
- RESTful API design
- Error handling middleware
- Authentication and authorization
- Performance optimization
- Security best practices
Recommended Practice:
- Build a simple CRUD API
- Implement custom middleware
- Practice error-handling patterns
- Set up rate limiting and security headers
4. Jest Testing Framework
Key Focus Areas:
- Unit testing fundamentals
- Mocking strategies
- Test doubles (spies, stubs, mocks)
- Integration testing
- Test coverage analysis
- Testing async code
- Test-driven development (TDD)
Recommended Practice:
- Write tests for existing components
- Practice TDD by building a new feature
- Set up and use testing utilities
- Create mock services and API responses
5. Code Review Best Practices
- Before Submitting Code
- Self-review your changes
- Run all tests locally
- Update documentation
- Check for code style consistency
- Write clear commit messages
- Writing Good Pull Requests
- Clear PR description
- Link to relevant tickets/issues
- Include screenshots for UI changes
- List testing steps
- Highlight potential risks
- Reviewing Others’ Code
- Be constructive and respectful
- Focus on:
- Code correctness
- Performance implications
- Security considerations
- Test coverage
- Documentation
- Ask questions instead of making assumptions
- Provide concrete suggestions
Resources and Tools
Tailwind CSS
Node.js & Express
Next Steps
- Review each section and assess your current knowledge level
- Focus on areas where you need strengthening
- Complete the recommended practice exercises
- Keep this guide as a reference during your first weeks
- Don’t hesitate to ask for help or clarification from the team
Remember: You are not expected to be an expert in all these areas immediately. Focus on continuous improvement and learning from the team as you go. Talk with your manager/mentor on the current level vs where you wish to be in the near/far future.
Good luck!
Top comments (2)
Wonderful! I 'd love to work with you.
I love reading your posts! Your emphasis on effective API testing practices has inspired me to explore new tools. EchoAPI has made API mocking incredibly straightforward, enabling me to test without relying on a live server, which has saved me a lot of time.