If you use a library like Svelte or Vue you might have noticed that Vite and Rollupjs create tons of tiny js files - in my case causing the browser to have to download 72 js files for one web page - some files being less then 1kb.
There is a way to group chunks in your vite.config, its manual but it can help you.
First a screenshot of the problem:
Every function or component in my codebase ends up being its own chunk, even commonly use ones
I want to group some of my imports or modules in my codebase into one chunk to reduce the amount of files / script tags vite and rollup create. Here is an example of the vite config on how to achieve this:
// vite.config.ts
// modules I want to group (by file path)
const group_chunks = [
export default defineConfig({
// ...other config stuff
// how to group chunks
build: {
rollupOptions: {
output: {
manualChunks: (id) => {
const is_group_chunk = group_chunks.some(partialPath => id.includes(partialPath));
if (is_group_chunk) {
return "general" // this will create a chunk called general
This reduces all those chunks into one chunk called general:
In this case i have reduced 15 trips to the server down to 1. This is especially helpful on mobile when my burger menu was taking a long time to become functional because its script was loading last because rollup didnt know its importance - now that its in the general chunk, it loads in faster.
Lighthouse Score
In terms of lighthouse the performance is around the same although i am now getting a warning about unused javascript in my general file I am happy to suffer that warning considering the users experience has improved.
You could put all common assets in a common folder and update the vite config to see if the file is in that folder and automatically add it to a grouped chunk. Minor tweak to the code.
If you are really smart you could make a plugin that allows you to add comments to your imports that tells vite what chunk to group that import into - this is how webpack used to work.
Example of how webpack allowed chunk naming in code:
const Login = import( /* webpackChunkName: "login" */ '../views/LoginView.vue'),
Thats it,
I hope this helped and good luck
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