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Maksim Gritchin
Maksim Gritchin

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Rust Diagnostic Attributes

Rust has introduced a powerful feature known as diagnostic attributes, which allows me to customise the error messages emitted by the compiler. This feature is particularly useful for improving the clarity of error messages, especially in complex scenarios involving traits and type mismatches.


The diagnostic attributes are part of a new built-in namespace, #[diagnostic], introduced in Rust 1.78. These attributes help provide more informative and context-specific error messages, making it easier for developers to understand and fix issues. Rust is known for its helpful error messages, but there are always cases where they can be improved. Crates that use the type system to verify invariants at compile time often generate large, unclear error messages when something goes wrong. Examples include Bevy, Axum, and Diesel. By giving crate authors tools to control the error messages emitted by the compiler, they can make these messages clearer and more helpful.

Key Features

  1. Custom Error Messages: One of the main attributes in this namespace is #[diagnostic::on_unimplemented]. This attribute allows trait authors to specify custom error messages when a trait is required but not implemented for a type. For example, instead of a generic error message, you can provide a detailed explanation and hints on how to resolve the issue.

  2. Non-Intrusive: The attributes in the #[diagnostic] namespace are designed to be non-intrusive. They do not affect the compilation result and are purely for enhancing the diagnostic output. This means that applying these attributes will not cause compilation errors as long as they are syntactically valid.

  3. Compiler Flexibility: The compiler treats these diagnostic hints as optional. It may choose to ignore specific attributes or options, and the support for these attributes can change over time. However, the compiler must not change the semantics of an attribute or emit hard errors for malformed attributes.

Usage Example

Here is an example of how to use the #[diagnostic::on_unimplemented] attribute:

message = "The type `{Self}` does not implement `MyTrait`. Please ensure that `{Self}` provides an implementation for `my_method`.",
note = "Implement the `my_method` function for `{Self}` to satisfy the `MyTrait` requirement.",
label = "missing implementation for `my_method`"

trait MyTrait {
    fn my_method(&self);

struct MyType;

// Implement the trait for MyType
impl MyTrait for MyType {
    fn my_method(&self) {
        // Implementation goes here

// another type that does not implement MyTrait
struct AnotherType;

// This will trigger the custom error message because AnotherType does not implement MyTrait
fn use_trait<T: MyTrait>(item: T) {

fn main() {
    let item = AnotherType;
    use_trait(item); // This line will cause a compile-time error with the custom message

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In this example, attempting to use AnotherType with the use_trait function will trigger the custom error message because AnotherType does not implement MyTrait.


  • Improved Developer Experience: By providing more specific and helpful error messages, developers can more quickly understand and resolve issues in their code.
  • Enhanced Code Clarity: Custom diagnostic messages can include additional context and explanations, making it easier to understand the requirements and constraints of your code.
  • Consistency: Collecting diagnostic attributes in a common namespace makes it easier for users to find and apply them, and for the language team to establish consistent rules and guidelines.


The introduction of diagnostic attributes in Rust represents a significant step forward in enhancing the developer experience. By allowing for customized and context-specific error messages, Rust continues to uphold its reputation for providing helpful and user-friendly compiler diagnostics. As you adopt these new features, you'll find that your code becomes not only more robust but also more accessible to others in the Rust community.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the official Rust documentation and the RFC that introduced this feature.


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