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Which online tools are you using to keep contact with your co-workers ?

Hello DEV,

This is my very first post on DEV πŸŽ‰

I'm here to ask you which online tools are you using to keep contact with your co-workers ?
France is in quarantine and we had to almost fully switch to remote work across all our departments.
My department is organizing e-TGIFs (Thank's God It's Friday) to be able to talk about everything non-work related and exchange on how everyone adapted to quarantine life. We're currently using Google Meets, but it's hard to see everyone at once (we're ~40 simultaneously), that's why I'm asking which tools you are using. The main goal is to be able to see the most people possible at once, to socialize the most during this hard time.

Thank's in advance and stay safe ! ✌️

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