March 5, 2025
As developers, we often find ourselves needing to traverse collections of objects—whether it’s an array of strings, a list of database records, or even the contents of a file. In Ruby, iterators provide us with a powerful mechanism for navigating these collections without exposing their underlying structure. In this article, we’ll explore the two main types of iterators— external and internal —and how they can help you write cleaner, more efficient code.
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What is an Iterator?
At its core, an iterator allows you to sequentially access elements in a collection (or aggregate object) without needing to know how that collection is stored internally. The Iterator Pattern , as described in the classic “Design Patterns” book by the Gang of Four (GoF), provides a way to decouple the traversal logic from the collection itself. This separation makes your code more modular and easier to maintain.
In Ruby, iterators come in two flavors: external iterators and internal iterators. Let’s break them down.
External Iterators: When You Need Control
External iterators are separate objects that manage the traversal of a collection. They give the client code full control over when to move to the next element. If you’ve worked with Java, you’re probably familiar with java.util.Iterator, which follows this pattern.
Here’s an example of how an external iterator might look in Ruby:
class ArrayIterator
def initialize(array)
@array = array
@index = 0
def has_next?
@index < @array.length
def next_item
value = @array[@index]
@index += 1
You can use this ArrayIterator like so:
array = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
iterator =
while iterator.has_next?
puts("Item: #{iterator.next_item}")
This approach gives you fine-grained control over iteration. For instance, if you’re merging two sorted arrays into one, external iterators allow you to compare elements from both arrays and decide which one to process next.
However, external iterators come with some trade-offs:
- Complexity : You need to manage the iterator object explicitly.
- Concurrency Issues : If the collection changes while you’re iterating, things can get messy unless you take precautions (e.g., making a copy of the collection).
Internal Iterators: Simplicity at Its Best
Ruby’s real strength lies in its internal iterators , which leverage blocks (closures) to pass your logic directly into the collection. Instead of managing an iterator object, you simply define what should happen to each element, and the collection handles the rest.
Here’s an example of an internal iterator using Ruby’s built-in each method:
array = [10, 20, 30]
array.each do |element|
puts("The element is #{element}")
The element is 10
The element is 20
The element is 30
Internal iterators shine because they simplify your code and reduce boilerplate. There’s no need to worry about calling next or managing state—the collection does all the heavy lifting for you.
But simplicity comes with limitations. Unlike external iterators, internal iterators don’t give you direct control over the iteration process. For example, implementing a merge operation with internal iterators would be far trickier than with external ones.
The Power of Enumerable
If you’re building your own collection class, Ruby offers a fantastic tool called the Enumerable module. By including Enumerable and defining an each method, you automatically gain access to a suite of powerful methods like map, select, reject, min, max, and more.
Here’s an example of a custom Portfolio class that uses Enumerable:
class Portfolio
include Enumerable
def initialize
@accounts = []
def each(&block)
def add_account(account)
@accounts << account
Now, you can perform operations like this:
my_portfolio =
my_portfolio.add_account('Alice', 5000))
my_portfolio.add_account('Bob', 200))
# Check if any account has a balance over $2000
puts my_portfolio.any? { |account| account.balance > 2000 } # => true
# Find the account with the highest balance
highest_balance_account = my_portfolio.max_by(&:balance)
puts # => Alice
The Enumerable module is a testament to Ruby’s philosophy of providing powerful abstractions without sacrificing readability.
Pitfalls to Watch Out For
While iterators are incredibly useful, they aren’t without their challenges. One common issue arises when a collection changes during iteration. For example, deleting elements from an array while iterating over it can lead to unexpected behavior:
array = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'purple']
array.each do |color|
array.delete(color) if color == 'green'
Notice how ‘blue’ is skipped entirely! To avoid such issues, consider working on a copy of the collection or designing your code to handle modifications safely.
Multithreading introduces additional complexity. If multiple threads modify a collection while another thread iterates over it, chaos may ensue. Always ensure proper synchronization when working in multithreaded environments.
Iterators in the Wild
Ruby’s standard library is brimming with iterators. Beyond each, arrays offer reverse_each and each_index. Strings provide each_byte and scan for regular expression matching. Hashes support each_key, each_value, and each_pair. Even the IO class supports both internal (each_line) and external (readline) iterators for file processing.
One particularly fascinating iterator is ObjectSpace.each_object, which lets you inspect every object loaded into your Ruby interpreter:
ObjectSpace.each_object(Numeric) do |number|
puts("Found number: #{number}")
This level of introspection opens up possibilities for debugging, profiling, and metaprogramming.
Wrapping Up
Iterators are a cornerstone of Ruby programming, enabling elegant and expressive solutions to common problems. While external iterators offer precise control, internal iterators excel in simplicity and readability. By leveraging tools like the Enumerable module, you can unlock even greater functionality with minimal effort.
Next time you’re working with collections, take a moment to appreciate the power of iterators—and remember to handle them responsibly!
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