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Domain SSL Certificate Information Parsing API by GuGuData: Get Detailed SSL Certificate Data

Domain SSL Certificate Information Parsing API by GuGuData: Get Detailed SSL Certificate Data

GuGuData's Domain SSL Certificate Information Parsing API provides a fast and comprehensive solution for parsing SSL certificate information for any domain. With support for multiple SSL certificate details and millisecond-level response times, this API ensures that you can quickly retrieve the data you need for compliance, security, or analysis.

Why Choose GuGuData’s SSL Certificate Information Parsing API?

Our SSL Certificate Information Parsing API offers a range of features that make it the best choice for SSL certificate analysis:

1. Comprehensive SSL Information

The API retrieves the most detailed SSL property information, including Subject Distinguished Name, Issuer Distinguished Name, Serial number, validity dates, signature algorithm, public key information, and more.

2. Millisecond-Level Performance

With support for high concurrency, our API is designed to parse SSL certificate information within milliseconds, ensuring quick and reliable responses.

3. Supports Multiple Information Elements

The API supports parsing of a wide variety of SSL certificate fields, including:

  • Subject Distinguished Name (Subject DN)
  • Issuer Distinguished Name (Issuer DN)
  • Serial number
  • Valid from date
  • Valid to date
  • Signature algorithm
  • Public key information
  • Key usage and extended key usage
  • Certificate version and signature
  • Basic constraints and extensions information

4. Nationwide CDN Deployment

Our API is deployed across multiple nodes nationwide, ensuring fast access with minimal latency.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive SSL Certificate Data: Retrieve all relevant SSL certificate details.
  • Millisecond Parsing: Fast performance with support for high concurrency.
  • Nationwide CDN: Reliable access via multi-node CDN deployment.
  • HTTPS and TLS Support: Full HTTPS and TLS (v1.0 / v1.1 / v1.2 / v1.3) support.
  • Apple ATS Compatible: Fully compatible with Apple's App Transport Security.
  • Load Balancing: Optimized performance through multi-server load balancing.

API Documentation

The SSL Certificate Information Parsing API is easy to integrate with your existing systems. Below are the implementation details:

API Endpoint

To retrieve SSL certificate information for a domain, make a GET request to the following endpoint:

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For testing, you can use our demo endpoint:
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Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Default Value Description
appkey string Yes YOUR_APPKEY The APPKEY obtained after registration.
domain string Yes YOUR_VALUE The domain to retrieve the SSL certificate information for (e.g.,

Sample Request

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Response Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
dataStatus.requestParameter string The requested domain parameter.
dataStatus.statusCode int The HTTP status code of the response.
dataStatus.status string The request status.
dataStatus.statusDescription string Description of the request status.
dataStatus.responseDateTime string The timestamp of the response.
dataStatus.dataTotalCount int Total number of returned data.
data.subjectDN string The Subject Distinguished Name (DN) of the SSL certificate.
data.issuerDN string The Issuer Distinguished Name (DN) of the SSL certificate.
data.serialNumber string The SSL certificate serial number.
data.validFrom string The start date of the SSL certificate validity.
data.validTo string The expiration date of the SSL certificate.
data.signatureAlgorithm string The algorithm used to sign the SSL certificate.
data.publicKey string The public key associated with the SSL certificate.
data.keyUsage string The key usage of the SSL certificate.
data.extendedKeyUsage string The extended key usage of the SSL certificate.
data.basicConstraints string The basic constraints of the SSL certificate.
data.subjectAlternativeNames string The Subject Alternative Names (SAN) of the SSL certificate.
data.issuerAlternativeNames string The Issuer Alternative Names of the SSL certificate.
data.version string The SSL certificate version.
data.signature string The signature of the SSL certificate.
data.publicKeyAlgorithm string The algorithm used for the public key.
data.extensions string Any additional extensions associated with the SSL certificate.

Sample Response

    "dataStatus": {
        "requestParameter": "",
        "statusCode": 200,
        "status": "success",
        "statusDescription": "Normal return",
        "responseDateTime": "2024-02-18T00:00:00Z",
        "dataTotalCount": 1
    "data": {
        "subjectDN": "",
        "issuerDN": "C=US, O=Let's Encrypt, CN=R3",
        "serialNumber": "0123456789ABCDEF",
        "validFrom": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "validTo": "2024-12-31T23:59:59Z",
        "signatureAlgorithm": "SHA256withRSA",
        "publicKey": "RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)",
        "keyUsage": "Digital Signature, Key Encipherment",
        "extendedKeyUsage": "TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication",
        "basicConstraints": "CA:FALSE",
        "subjectAlternativeNames": ",",
        "issuerAlternativeNames": null,
        "version": "3",
        "signature": "0123456789ABCDEF...",
        "publicKeyAlgorithm": "RSA Encryption",
        "extensions": ","
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API Error Codes

Error Code Description Remarks
200 Normal return Successful API call.
400 Parameter error Check if all required parameters are provided.
429 Request frequency limited Cannot exceed 100 requests per second.
403 Account in arrears Account has expired; please renew your subscription.
402 APPKEY error Verify that the APPKEY is correct and active.
500 API response error General API error; contact support if it persists.

How to Get Started

  1. Obtain Your APPKEY: Register at GuGuData to obtain your APPKEY for API authentication.

  2. Submit Domain Name: Provide the domain name for which you want to retrieve SSL certificate information.

  3. Make a GET Request: Send a GET request to the API endpoint with the required parameters.

  4. Retrieve SSL Information: Receive detailed SSL certificate data for the domain you submitted.

  5. Integrate and Automate: Incorporate the API into your security analysis or domain management workflows.

Use Cases

  • Security Audits: Retrieve detailed SSL certificate information for security auditing and compliance checks.
  • Domain Monitoring: Monitor SSL certificate expiration dates and other relevant information.
  • Website Security: Ensure that SSL certificates are properly configured for your domains.
  • SSL Renewal Management: Automate SSL certificate renewal reminders based on validity dates.


GuGuData's Domain SSL Certificate Information Parsing API is a powerful tool for retrieving SSL certificate details quickly and accurately. With comprehensive SSL data retrieval, millisecond response times, and multi-node CDN deployment, this API is perfect for anyone needing to manage or audit SSL certificates.

Get started with GuGuData's Domain SSL Certificate Information Parsing API today! and enhance your domain security management with ease.

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