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Cover image for SpaceBin: The Minimalist Rich Text & Image Storage with Unique URLs
Palash Johri
Palash Johri

Posted on

SpaceBin: The Minimalist Rich Text & Image Storage with Unique URLs

Overview of My Submission

This application is a PasteBin concept evolved and modernized with rich-text support, image media storage and a more comprehensive & simplistic UI/UX.

I was starting out with using both Quasar(a Vue 3 Framework) and Appwrite😍, so I decided on something simple yet showcase-worthy. It wasn't too difficult to wrap my head around Appwrite, and although I tinkered with the realtime database, I ended up using just the basic storage for now.

The application is easily understandable, so I hope you find it fun, calming and useful!

Submission Category: Wacky Wildcards

Link to Code

GitHub logo holy-script / spacebin

A rich text and image storage with unique publish urls.

SpaceBin (spacebin)

A rich text and image storage with unique publish urls.

Install the dependencies

# or
npm install
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

quasar dev
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Lint the files

yarn lint
# or
npm run lint
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Format the files

yarn format
# or
npm run format
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Build the app for production

quasar build
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.config.js.


Home Screen

Editor Screen

Viewer Screen

Live Site


Top comments (1)

gulliblelamb profile image
Palash Johri

P.S. - Here's the link to my bin from the screenshots 😄