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Haider Ali Punjabi
Haider Ali Punjabi

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Badges for the terminal - Python

Hello everyone!

I've just ported the quirky node-js library cli-badges over to Python. The author of that library:

nombrekeff image

Post about the NodeJS Library

Python Port that I made:

GitHub logo haideralipunjabi / cli-badges

Quirky little python package for generating badges for your cli apps.

Quirky little python library for generating badges for your cli apps.

GitHub file size in bytes PyPI version

Inspired & Python Port of cli-badges - nombrekeff

Getting Started


As usual, you need to install from PIP:

$ pip install cli-badges


This is a simple example, using badges to display test results:

from cli_badges import badge
failedBadge = badge("failed",'2',messagebg='red')
skippedBadge = badge('skipped', '1', messagebg='yellow',messagecolor='black')
successBadge = badge('success','8', messagebg='green',messagecolor='black')
print(failedBadge, successBadge, skippedBadge)

The above would output something similar to the terminal:


You could also create a donate badge with a link (if supported):

from cli_badges import badge
donateBadge = badge('❤️ donate', 'ko-fi', messagelink='');


You can also only…


As usual, you need to install from PIP:

$ pip install cli-badges


This is a simple example, using badges to display test results:

from cli_badges import badge

failedBadge = badge("failed",'2',messagebg='red')
skippedBadge = badge('skipped', '1', messagebg='yellow',messagecolor='black')
successBadge = badge('success','8', messagebg='green',messagecolor='black')

print(failedBadge, successBadge, skippedBadge)

The above would output something similar to the terminal:


You could also create a donate badge with a link (if supported):

from cli_badges import badge

donateBadge = badge('❤️ donate', 'ko-fi', messagelink='');


You can also only show the label:

from cli_badges import badge

onlyLabel = badge('❤️ donate', '')


Example output is a mock, console output will vary slightly from terminal to terminal.

Badge Structure

A badge is conformed of a label and a message <label>:<message>. Each segment can be customized, by changing bg color, text color and style.

Available Options

Option Value Default
label String ''
message String ''
messagebg Color blue
labelbg Color dark_gray
messagecolor Color white
labelcolor Color white
labelwidth Integer label length + 2
messagewidth Integer label length + 2
labelstyles Array of Styles []
messagestyles Array of Styles []
labellink URL ''
messagelink URL ''


cli-badges uses colored internally for managing colors, you can check the list of available colors there.


cli-badges uses colored internally for managing styles, you can check the list of available styles there.

Available Styles

  • bold
  • dim
  • underlined
  • reverse
  • hidden


You can output badges with a link attached to it, that can be clicked in some terminals. labellink option will add the link to the label, while messagelink option will add the link to the message.

⚠︎ cli-badges will only output link if its supported by your terminal.

See this for information on supported terminals

badge('with', 'link',  labellink='', messagelink='');


Top comments (6)

bogdaaamn profile image
Bogdan Covrig

Really nice, thank you for sharing!

I am having a hard time finding use cases for them apart from the testing results. What else did you think of?

haideralipunjabi profile image
Haider Ali Punjabi

Personally, I was thinking of using them to display progress of my scripts. Other than that, any information can be displayed using these, like no. of vulnerabilities while installing an npm package, no. of files modified during git commit, the stars, forks and watchers of a git repo, etc. Anything that you might output in the form of key:value would look better using these

bogdaaamn profile image
Bogdan Covrig

Makes sense, thank you! I might give it a spin soon

nombrekeff profile image

Cool stuff! Thanks for the port! 🥰

haideralipunjabi profile image
Haider Ali Punjabi

Used these badges in a small script that displays Github Repo Stats

nombrekeff profile image

Nice use case!