DEV Community

Arto Halonen
Arto Halonen

Posted on

Are you too old to be a software developer?

Lately i have seen this question all over the internet. As someone who got to this industry in my late thirties, i think i might have something to say about the subject.

I spent over 16 years working in the energy industry around the world. Finally when i got too fed up with the constant travelling i came up with my masterplan for a career change. I was going to become a software developer.

Actually first i only knew that i needed a change. Then by chance i stumbled to a MOOC-page with the possibility to try some Java-programming. It was actually a 5cr worthy programming course from the University of Helsinki, that is open to everybody. I was instantly hooked on it. Every day at work i was just waiting to get back home to do some more assignments. It was the only thing i was thinking about for almost 2 weeks. Then finally it hit me. This could actually be my next career.

Two weeks from that moment i was already an open university student, and after the first year i got accepted in as a student. It is now 3,5 years from that moment, i am a fresh graduate and have been working as a Junior Full-Stack-developer for 5 months.
Oh, and i am turning 40 in two weeks.

I started studying when i was 36 and i do understand that is not something anyone can do. The good thing though is that you don't necessarily need it. Programming is still one of those professions where you can get in without a degree. Degree surely helps and maybe gives you a better grasp of the basics and gives you a better chance for promotions, but that is a different subject, and a VERY common debate. Anyhow, there are a lot of developers who were self-taught or went through a n weeks lasting bootcamp.

Anyways. To answer the question: No, you probably aren't too old to become a software developer. You might be too comfy though. This isn't a profession you can learn once, and then just keep doing it. You have to be willing to put in the work and keep learning new things. If you are only thinking about it because you read somewhere that it pays good, don't bother. It is going to take you years to get into that position where you can make 6-figures, and most of us will never even get there.

Surely there are things we can be too old for. Most of the professions aren't. If you are interested in something, don't skip it because you think you are too old. Go for it.

If you have any questions on the subject, feel free to contact me.

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