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Hani Pratami
Hani Pratami

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Customizing ERP Modules Using Python/Ruby

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are essential for managing business processes in organizations, providing integrated applications to manage and automate back-office functions. However, no ERP system can meet every unique need of an organization out-of-the-box. This is where customization comes into play. Customizing ERP modules using languages like Python and Ruby can offer flexibility and power to tailor ERP systems to specific business requirements. This article will guide you through the process of customizing ERP modules using Python and Ruby, covering key concepts, tools, and best practices.

Understanding ERP Customization

ERP customization involves modifying the existing ERP software to meet the unique needs of an organization. This can include adding new modules, altering existing functionalities, or integrating the ERP with other software systems. The customization can be done at various levels:

  • User Interface (UI) Customization: Changes in the appearance and navigation of the ERP system.
  • Business Logic Customization: Modifying the logic that governs business processes.
  • Data Model Customization: Adding new data fields or tables.
  • Integration Customization: Connecting the ERP system with other software applications.

Why Python and Ruby?

Python and Ruby are popular programming languages known for their simplicity, readability, and powerful libraries, making them ideal choices for ERP customization. Here's why they stand out:

  • Python:

    • Extensive libraries and frameworks (e.g., Django, Flask).
    • Easy to learn and use, which accelerates development.
    • Excellent for data manipulation and automation tasks.
  • Ruby:

    • Known for its elegant syntax which makes the code more readable.
    • Ruby on Rails, a powerful web application framework, simplifies database integration and management.
    • Strong community support and numerous gems (libraries) to extend functionality.

Setting Up Your Environment

Before diving into customization, you need to set up your development environment.

  1. Install Python or Ruby:

  2. Set Up an Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

    • Python: PyCharm, Visual Studio Code.
    • Ruby: RubyMine, Visual Studio Code.
  3. Install ERP System SDKs and Libraries:

    • Python: Libraries like pandas, sqlalchemy for data manipulation, and ERP-specific SDKs.
    • Ruby: Gems like activerecord for database interactions and ERP-specific libraries.

Customizing ERP Modules with Python

Example: Adding a Custom Report Module in Odoo

Odoo is a popular open-source ERP system written in Python.

  1. Create a Custom Module:

    • Navigate to the Odoo add-ons directory and create a new directory for your module.
    • Inside your module directory, create the and files.
  2. Define the Module Manifest:

       'name': 'Custom Sales Report',
       'version': '1.0',
       'author': 'Your Name',
       'category': 'Sales',
       'depends': ['base', 'sale'],
       'data': [
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  1. Create Business Logic:
    • Define a new Python class for your custom report in a new file, e.g.,
   from odoo import models, fields, api

   class CustomSalesReport(models.Model):
       _name = ''
       _description = 'Custom Sales Report'

       date_from = fields.Date(string='Start Date')
       date_to = fields.Date(string='End Date')

       def generate_report(self):
           # Custom logic to generate the report
           sales_orders = self.env['sale.order'].search([
               ('date_order', '>=', self.date_from),
               ('date_order', '<=', self.date_to),
           # Process the data and generate the report
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  1. Create XML Files for Views and Reports:

    • Define the views and report templates in XML files (custom_sales_report_view.xml and custom_sales_report_template.xml).
  2. Install and Test Your Module:

    • Update the app list in Odoo and install your custom module.
    • Test the module by navigating to the relevant section in Odoo and verifying the functionality.

Customizing ERP Modules with Ruby

Example: Adding a Custom Inventory Report in Spree

Spree is an open-source e-commerce platform built with Ruby on Rails, often used as part of an ERP solution.

  1. Create a Custom Extension:
    • Use the Spree extension generator to create a new extension.
   rails generate spree:extension custom_inventory_report
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  1. Define the Extension:

    • Navigate to the newly created extension directory and define your extension in lib/spree/custom_inventory_report/engine.rb.
  2. Add Business Logic:

    • Create a new Ruby class for your custom report, e.g., custom_inventory_report.rb.
   module Spree
     class CustomInventoryReport
       def initialize(start_date, end_date)
         @start_date = start_date
         @end_date = end_date

       def generate_report
         inventory_items = Spree::InventoryItem.where('created_at >= ? AND created_at <= ?', @start_date, @end_date)
         # Process the data and generate the report
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  1. Create Views and Templates:

    • Define the views and templates for the custom report in the appropriate directories.
  2. Integrate and Test Your Extension:

    • Mount the extension in your Rails application by adding it to the Gemfile and running the necessary migrations.
    • Test the functionality by accessing the custom report through the Spree admin interface.

Best Practices for ERP Customization

  1. Modular Approach: Keep customizations modular to simplify maintenance and upgrades.
  2. Documentation: Thoroughly document customizations to ensure future developers can understand and extend your work.
  3. Testing: Implement robust testing (unit, integration, and functional tests) to ensure customizations work as expected.
  4. Version Control: Use version control systems (e.g., Git) to manage changes and collaborate with other developers.
  5. Performance Optimization: Monitor the performance of custom modules and optimize queries and logic to prevent system slowdowns.


Customizing ERP modules using Python or Ruby allows you to tailor the system to meet your specific business needs. By leveraging the power of these programming languages and following best practices, you can enhance the functionality of your ERP system, streamline business processes, and improve overall efficiency. Whether you are adding new features, integrating with other systems, or optimizing existing processes, Python and Ruby provide the tools and flexibility needed to make your ERP system truly work for you.

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