OpenWeather API
Get the real time weather data and forcastbfor any city or geographic location
OpenWeather Api
Access data related to space exploration such as images and videos
Pixabay API
Provide access to thousands of free stock images and videos for use in your project
Pixabay API
CoinGecko API
Get data on crypto currency prices,market trends and more
CoinGecko API
Open Trivia Database API
Get the trivia questions across multiple categories, perfect for quiz api
Open TrivisDB API
Number API
Fetch interesting facts about numbers
Number API
Exchange Rates API
Get the real time foreign exchange Rate data, great for currency converter apps.
Exchange Rate Api
FreeGeo IP API
Retrieve geolocation information by IP Address, useful ful for location based services
FreeGeo IP API
TimeZone DB API
_ Fetch time zone data for any regions in the world perfect for scheduling apps._
TimeZoneDB API
Open Food Facts API
Access a global Database of food products with detailed information.
Open Food Facts API
Get the information on the movies, series, and episodes from open movie database
Unsplash API
Access a library of high quality, free to use images from unsplash
Unsplash API
Web3 API
Access and interact with ethereum block chain data for developing Apps and interacting with smart contracts
Web3 API
QR Code Generator API
_Generating QR codes easily for any kind of data
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