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Harsh Manvar
Harsh Manvar

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Free Geo location & IP API


SaaS products are real game changers in today's cloud-based world, even if they might not be immediately evident. Cloud application development simplification trend and raised new phenomena software as a service.

Consider using Geolocation API to provide relevant goods, services, news, and notifications if your online business depends on the user's location.

There are two ways you can incorporate into your application.

Geolocation database: This is an IP database that you buy, host on your server, and use as a reference in your application. The problem with using the IP database is that it needs to be updated frequently in order for you to have the most recent information on IP location.

Geo location API: You don't have to worry about regularly maintaining and updating the database with the help of the geolocation API. You utilise the API within your application to get the pertinent IP data. You only pay for what you really use.

I'd like to offer one of the Cheap Geolocation APIs I found.

Image description

I liked it since they provide the 5k Free Geolocation request API access in the Free tier.

Response data have many different fields including Postal code, Country details, Time zone, ASN, Calling code etc.

The API has a good average response time of 25–30ms. Their free plan includes 5000 monthly queries with all modules like location, country, and ASN.

They offer 3 types of pricing models, you can choose the best one as per your requirement.

5k requests/month - 30 Request / min

Basic $3.99/month
500k requests/month β€” 240 request / min

Pro $9.99/month
2M requests/month β€” No rate limit

Enterprise $14.99/month
5M requests/month β€” No rate limit

Check out documentation at :

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