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Hasan Elsherbiny
Hasan Elsherbiny

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Is AI Dangerous For Developers?

since Chat GPT was Released a lot of people started to say "AI Will Take Our jobs"
developers laughed and said "Okay We Are Irreplaceable". but also voices have arise saying "AI Now can writes code so you are replaceable too"
So the question here "IS AI Really Dangerous For Developers ?"
in my humble opinion "NO It's not" at least in mean time

but why do I think that?

I think the whole problem started when the word "AI" became Mainstream as AI has been there for ages and no one cared about it.
but when Chat GPT released it allowed normal people to use AI and see how far has AI been developed and a lot of rumors were spread even my father's friend who have never used a computer told him "your son is going to loos his job".
but some expertise have also the same opinion , in fact they are influenced by mainstream opinion or they are just saying that so they can go viral and become celebrities (since that what's people want to here)

most of these people justify their opinion by the fact that AI now can write code, but my question is do a developer only code?
absolutely no, the most powerful skill of a developer is "The Ability to develop a solution" it's not just about writing code for it's actually it's the easiest part.

and also AI Doesn't Create a code it's more like collecting other humans' code and putting them together
(yes just like what we do 😂)

so finally, do we really need to panic about losing our jobs for AI?
we already lose it for inflation, so calm down and think about ho to develop your skills in such fast paced domain.

Top comments (5)

jasonbbelcher profile image
Jason Belcher

I’ve played with chat gpt to write code. It takes detailed domain specific directions to actually get it to write half way decent code and half the time it hallucinates stuff that makes you go wtf, why? Let me ask you this, if you aren’t already skilled dev then how would you even know when it hallucinates or when it’s correct?

Sure, it’s a great sketch tool and ideation phase tool but until it can stop writing ridiculous blobs of code I have to babysit through the process our jobs are safe.

Other than that I’m glad I have a tool to use to write tedious code. Coding is tedious so have at it robot! My job is to build and design systems based on a business model. That will be the domain of programmers for a while yet.

giovannimatteo1 profile image
Giovanni Matteo

actually i don't agree with your opinion, based on fast AI Improvement it's more likely that AI will replace a lot of jobs may include developers

joshhadik profile image
Josh Hadik

I think AI will make the average coder way more productive, let's say 10 times. The question then is... will we create 10 times as many things, or use 10% of the labor? Likely something in between.

hasanelsherbiny profile image
Hasan Elsherbiny

this is my belief too, josh

demob787 profile image

Well said about focusing on your skills. I think A.I will remain a tool. 1's and 0's. Learning how to communicate with it efficiently is needed before jobs are threatened. One man "thought" connected to ai could be a game changer though. "Cyborg takes our jobs!" Lol.
Become the one man.