DEV Community

hema latha
hema latha

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Eclipse shortcut keys

Ctrl+Shift+L: Shows all available shortcuts
Ctrl+D: Deletes the current line
Ctrl+Shift+P: Finds the closing brace
Ctrl+Shift+G: Finds all references to a selected method, class, or variable
Ctrl+E: Moves between open editors
Ctrl+Q: Navigates to the last edit location
Ctrl+F: Opens the find and replace dialog
Ctrl+K/Ctrl+Shift+K: Finds the previous or next occurrence of a search term
Ctrl+H: Searches the workspace
Ctrl+J/Ctrl+Shift+J: Performs incremental search forward or backward
Tab/Shift+Tab: Increases or decreases the indent of selected text
Ctrl+I: Corrects the indentation of selected text or the current line
Ctrl+Shift+F: Autoformats all code in the editor
Ctrl+/: Comments or uncomments a line or selection
Alt+Arrow Up/Down: Moves the current line or selection up or down
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Up/Down: Duplicates the current line or selection up or down
Ctrl+Delete: Deletes the next word
Ctrl+Backspace: Deletes the previous word
Shift+Enter: Enters a line below the current line
Shift+Ctrl+Enter: Enters a line above the current line
Insert: Switches between insert and overwrite mode

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