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Henry Pham
Henry Pham

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How to write NFT Marketplace Algorand


NFT marketplaces are online platforms that allow creators to mint and sell their NFTs to buyers who can purchase them using cryptocurrency. These marketplaces typically provide a user-friendly interface for creating and managing NFTs, including the ability to set prices, royalties, and other terms and conditions. In this article, we will explore how to create an NFT marketplace smart contract on Algorand.


Before diving into the development process, ensure you have the following tools set up:

  • Docker desktop
  • Python and pipx
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Chrome browser

Setup Project

Install Algokit

Algokit simplifies Algorand development. Install it using pipx:

pipx install algokit
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Start Localnet

Launch the local Algorand network:

algokit localnet start
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Init Project

Create a new project with Algokit:

algokit init 
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Choose TypeScript as the preferred language.

Marketplace Smart Contract

Step 1: Defining Struct

Structs organize and store essential data within the smart contract. Start by defining the collection struct to contain pertinent collection information:

type collectionData = {
  name: string;
  owner: Address;
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Similarly, define the nftData struct to link NFTs with their respective collections:

type nftData = {
  collectionId: number,
  nftAsset: Asset,
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Lastly, create the orderData type to manage order details within the marketplace:

type orderData = {
  owner: Address,
  price: uint64,
  nft: Asset,
  status: uint64; // 0 false 1 true
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These structured definitions lay the foundation for organizing collection, NFT, and order-related information within the Algorand smart contract.

Step 2: Create Collection Function


  • collectionIndex is a global state key that maintains the index for collections.
  • collection is a box map that stores collection data based on their respective indexes.
collectionIndex = GlobalStateKey<uint64>();
collection = BoxMap<uint64, collectionData>({});
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Create Collection Function:

  • This function creates a new collection within the smart contract.
  • It takes the name of the collection as a parameter and assigns the creator's address as the owner.
createCollection(name: string): void {
    const temp: collectionData = {
      name: name,
      owner: this.txn.sender,

    this.collection(this.collectionIndex.value).value = temp;
    this.collectionIndex.value = this.collectionIndex.value + 1;
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  • temp stores the data for the new collection, including its name and owner (the address of the sender).
  • The new collection is added to the collection box map at the index specified by collectionIndex.
  • Increment collectionIndex to prepare for the next collection.

Step 3: Mint NFT Function


  • nft is a global state key that represents the NFT asset.
nft  =  GlobalStateKey<Asset>();
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Mint NFT Function:

  • This function facilitates the creation of a new NFT.
  • It takes the name and URL of the NFT as parameters and returns the minted NFT asset.
mintNFT(name: string, url: string): Asset {
    const nftTicket = sendAssetCreation({
      configAssetTotal: 1,
      configAssetName: name,
      configAssetURL: url,
    return nftTicket;
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  • nftTicket holds the newly minted NFT asset.
  • The sendAssetCreation function creates an NFT with the specified name and url.
  • It configures the NFT asset with a total supply of 1 and associates the provided metadata (name and URL) with the NFT.
  • Finally, the minted NFT asset is returned.

Step 4: Mapping NFT Data


  • nftIndex is a global state key used to maintain the index for NFTs.
  • nftDataMap is a box map that stores NFT data mapped to their respective indexes.
nftIndex  =  GlobalStateKey<uint64>();
nftDataMap  =  BoxMap<uint64, nftData>({ prefix:  'n' });
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Map NFT data function:

  • This function maps an NFT to its associated collection.
  • It takes the NFT asset and the ID of the collection as parameters.
mapNFTdata(nft: Asset, collectionId: uint64): void {
    const temp: nftData = {
      collectionId: collectionId,
      nftAsset: nft,

    this.nftDataMap(this.nftIndex.value).value = temp;
    this.nftIndex.value = this.nftIndex.value + 1;
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  • temp holds the data associating the NFT with its collection ID.
  • The nftDataMap box map stores this data at the index specified by nftIndex.
  • nftIndex is incremented to prepare for the next NFT mapping.

Step 5: Listing NFT to Marketplace


  • orderIndex is a global state key that maintains the index for orders in the marketplace.
  • order is a box map that stores order data, representing the listing details of NFTs.
orderIndex  =  GlobalStateKey<uint64>();
order  =  BoxMap<uint64, orderData>({ prefix:  'o' });
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Listing NFT Function:

  • This function enables the listing of an NFT for sale in the marketplace.
  • It takes the NFT asset, sale price, and the transaction details as parameters.
listingNFT(nft: Asset, price: number, axfer: AssetTransferTxn): void {
    // verfiy Txn
    verifyTxn(axfer, { assetReceiver: });

    // create order
    const temp: orderData = {
      owner: this.txn.sender,
      price: price,
      nft: nft,
      status: 0,

    this.order(this.orderIndex.value).value = temp;
    this.orderIndex.value = this.orderIndex.value + 1;
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  • Verification is performed to ensure that the transfer transaction involves the marketplace contract as the receiver, securing the listing process.
  • The function creates an order for the listed NFT, capturing details such as the owner's address (this.txn.sender), the sale price, the nft being listed, and its status set as 0 indicating it's listed for sale.

Step 6: Unlisting NFT from Marketplace*

  • This function facilitates the removal of a listed NFT from the marketplace.
  • It takes the orderId of the listing and the NFT asset as parameters.
unListingNFT(orderId: number, nft: Asset): void {
    // verify owner
    assert(this.txn.sender === this.order(orderId).value.owner);

    // check Status of NFT
    assert(this.order(orderId).value.status === 1);

    this.order(orderId).value.status = 1;

    // Transfer NFT to owner
      xferAsset: nft,
      assetReceiver: this.txn.sender,
      assetAmount: 1,
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  • The function ensures that only the owner of the NFT can unlist it from the marketplace (assert(this.txn.sender === this.order(orderId).value.owner)).
  • It verifies that the NFT is currently listed for sale (this.order(orderId).value.status === 0) before proceeding with unlisting.
  • If conditions are met, the status of the NFT listing is updated to indicate it's no longer available (this.order(orderId).value.status = 1).
  • Additionally, the function transfers the NFT asset back to its owner.

Step 7: Buy NFT Function

  • This function enables the purchase of an NFT listed in the marketplace.
  • It takes the orderId of the listing, payment transaction details (payment), and the NFT asset as parameters.
buyNFTFromMarketplace(orderId: number, payment: PayTxn, nft: Asset): void {
    // Check order status
    assert(this.order(orderId).value.status === 0);
    // Check enough money to buy
    verifyTxn(payment, {
      sender: this.txn.sender,
      amount: { greaterThan: this.order(orderId).value.price },
      receiver: this.order(orderId).value.owner,

    // Transfer Asset
      xferAsset: nft,
      assetReceiver: this.txn.sender,
      assetAmount: 1,
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  • The function verifies that the NFT is listed and available for purchase (assert(this.order(orderId).value.status === 0)).
  • It verifies the buyer's payment transaction details, ensuring the correct payment amount and receiver (verifyTxn(payment, {...})).
  • Upon successful verification, the NFT is transferred to the buyer's address (sendAssetTransfer) and the order status is updated to indicate it's sold.

Step 8: Write some Get Function

  getCollectionName(eventId: number): string {
    return this.collection(eventId);

  getCollectionByNFT(nftIndex: number): number {
    return this.nftDataMap(nftIndex).value.collectionId;

  getNFTAsset(nftIndex: number): Asset {
    return this.nftDataMap(nftIndex).value.nftAsset;

  getOrderOwner(orderId: number): Address {
    return this.order(orderId).value.owner;

  getOrderNFT(orderId: number): Asset {
    return this.order(orderId).value.nft;

  getOrderPrice(orderId: number): number {
    return this.order(orderId).value.price;

  getOrderStatus(orderId: number): number {
    return this.order(orderId).value.status;
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These functions retrieve specific details:

  • getCollectionName: Retrieves the name of a collection based on its ID.
  • getCollectionByNFT: Retrieves the ID of the collection associated with an NFT.
  • getNFTAsset: Retrieves the NFT asset based on its index.
  • getOrderOwner: Retrieves the owner's address of a specific order.
  • getOrderNFT: Retrieves the NFT asset associated with an order.
  • getOrderPrice: Retrieves the price of an NFT listed in an order.
  • getOrderStatus: Retrieves the status (listed or sold) of an order.


In this guide, we've detailed the step-by-step process of creating an NFT marketplace smart contract on Algorand. From defining data structures to implementing essential functionalities, such as minting NFTs, listing them for sale, and enabling purchases, we've laid the groundwork for a functional NFT marketplace within the Algorand blockchain ecosystem.

Explore the entire codebase at for a deeper dive into the implementation details.

In the next article, we'll delve into the crucial aspect of testing this smart contract. Thank you for taking the time to read!

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