Enhancing your GitHub README with a creative touch adds a distinct flavor to your profile. Think of it as a concise resume, swiftly introducing yourself, showcasing your work, and highlighting your skills.
How to do it ?
Here are some steps to help you craft an appealing summary for your profile:
Step 1: Begin by creating a new repository using your username. Ensure that both your username and the repository names are identical. Click on "Add a README file" to generate a readme file and establish the repository.
Step 2: Once the repository is created, open the README.md file and click on the edit option. You can uncomment any commented text or personalize the information in your preferred style.
- Include a brief overview of yourself:
If you wish to incorporate a concise descriptive paragraph that introduces yourself, include a tagline at the beginning, followed by information about your education, past experiences, areas of interest, and passion for technology.
- Include Icons for Skills & Languages:
If you wish to incorporate icons into your README profile, search for the desired icon on GitHub, right-click on it, copy the image address, and paste it into the README file.
- Include GitHub Stats:
If you'd like to integrate GitHub Readme Stats, copy and paste the provided code into your README file, and remember to replace the
"?username=" value with your GitHub username.
| <img align="center" src="https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=Hetal-patel1994&show_icons=true&include_all_commits=true&theme=buefy&hide_border=true" alt="Hetal's github stats" /> | <img align="center" src="https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api/top-langs/?username=Hetal-patel1994&layout=compact&theme=buefy&hide_border=true" /> |
| ------------- | ------------- |
For additional details and various themes for GitHub Readme Stats, consult the GitHub page by anuraghazra.
- Include Badges/Shields:
To add badges or shields, visit shields.io, search for the badge you want, and after entering the necessary details, obtain the badge link to include in the README file.
Top comments (1)
Great start Hetal, we expect more such contents from a person like you.