👋🏼 Hey y'all, I hope you've been doing and feeling great! My name is Himanshu Kumar, and I'm currently looking for opportunities as a FullStack software developer.
I'm a passionate Full-stack software engineer with over three years of experience specializing in front-end technologies and full-stack development. I have a proven track record of delivering high-quality, scalable applications that meet diverse client needs. I further honed my skills by completing Springboard's Software Engineering (Full Stack) program. Before transitioning to Software Engineering; with over seven years in system administration, along with four years in leadership roles, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical expertise to every project.
On the personal side, I enjoy paddleboarding during sunny and hot weather in summer and snowboarding during winter. I also love spending time with my partner, biking, hiking, and playing board games.
A little bit to know me
- Name: Himanshu Kumar
- Currently living in Vancouver, Canada
Technologies that I actively work with professionally:
- Python
- JavaScript (including ES6+)
- TypeScript
- React.js
- Next.js
- Bootstrap
- TailwindCSS
- Chakra UI
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Flask
- RESTful APIs
- PostgreSQL
- GraphQL
- Docker
- AWS S3
- VSCode
Technologies that I would love to work with:
- React Native
- Ruby on Rails
Time coding: Currently in my 3rd year
Achievements that I'm proud of
- Won the Springboard Hackathon for an AI project enhancing empathy and emotional intelligence in remote workplaces: https://himanshu.dev/projects/pathos
- Completed a one-year full-stack program at Springboard: https://www.springboard.com/courses/software-engineering-career-track/
My favorite projects:
Job Tracker Automation: A Python and Selenium-based tool to automate job application tracking and networking contact details.
Remplr: A full-stack Meal Planner platform developed with React.js and Node.js/Express.js.
How you can reach me:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/himanshukumar3
- GitHub: https://github.com/himanshuk-dev
- Portfolio: https://himanshu.dev/
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