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Harish Kumar
Harish Kumar

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Building Real-Time Chat with Laravel Reverb and Vue 3 - Step-by-Step Tutorial

Real-time communication has become essential in modern web applications, providing instantaneous interactions that engage users and offer a seamless experience. In this guide, we will explore how to build a real-time chat application using Laravel Reverb and Vue 3.

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Before diving into the implementation, make sure you have a basic understanding of Laravel and Vue.js and have a functional Laravel application set up.

Setting Up Laravel Reverb for Real-Time Communication

Laravel Reverb is a powerful package designed for handling real-time features in Laravel applications. It provides a simple, efficient way to integrate real-time messaging and events.

1. Installation and Configuration

  • First, install Laravel Reverb using Composer:
  composer require laravel-reverb/reverb
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  • Publish the configuration file:
  php artisan vendor:publish --tag=reverb-config
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  • Set up your real-time driver and related configurations as per your project’s requirements.

2. Setting Up Routes and Controller Logic

  • Create routes for sending and retrieving messages:
  Route::post('/messages', [MessageController::class, 'store']);
  Route::get('/messages', [MessageController::class, 'index']);
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  • Implement the necessary logic in your MessageController to handle storing and retrieving chat messages.

Building the Frontend with Vue 3

Vue 3 is an excellent framework for building interactive user interfaces, and when combined with Laravel Reverb, you can create a real-time chat experience.

1. Setting Up Vue 3 Components

  • Create a Vue component for the chat interface:
    <div class="chat-box">
      <!-- Display messages -->
      <div v-for="message in messages" :key="">
        <p>{{ message.content }}</p>
      <!-- Message input -->
      <input v-model="newMessage" @keyup.enter="sendMessage" placeholder="Type a message..." />
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  • Add data properties and methods for handling message sending and updating the UI in real-time.

2. Integrating Laravel Reverb for Real-Time Updates

  • Use Laravel Reverb to listen for new messages and update the Vue component automatically without refreshing the page.


By combining Laravel Reverb and Vue 3, you can create powerful real-time chat applications with minimal setup and code complexity. These tools' flexibility allows for easy customization and scaling, making them a great fit for modern web projects.

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