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React’s `useEffect`: Best Practices, Pitfalls, and Modern JavaScript Insights

Harish Kumar on January 13, 2025

React’s useEffect hook is a cornerstone of functional component development, enabling developers to handle side effects like data fetching, DOM man...
keyru_nasirusman profile image
keyru Nasir Usman

Isn't it better to use a library like tanstack/react-query rather than plain useEffect to make developer's life easier?

daviddanielng profile image
David Daniel

More dependence, yay JavaScript.

elvissautet profile image
Elvis Sautet

interesting, have you tried using Remix.js, will reduce client code by 70%

erickbgomez profile image
Erick B. Gómez

Very useful tips! I've been struggling this hook in my projects, specially for fetching data or syncing with another component states. Thank you for sharing these tips 🙌