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Cover image for Javascript classes : class, constructor, new, extends, super
Hssan Bouzlima
Hssan Bouzlima

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Javascript classes : class, constructor, new, extends, super

ES6 (2015) comes with new js features. One of them is the class keyword.

We know that javascript is a prototype-based language. That is to say all javascript objects inherit properties and methods from a prototype object, for example Array objects inherit from Array.prototype its properties and methods like Array.prototype.length and Array.prototype.push().Besides, Array.prototype itself has a reference to Object.prototype creating a prototype chain, in other words, Array objects has access also to Object.prototype methods and properties.And the same is valid for all other javascript objects.
This link between Object and prototype insured through --proto-- property created by default in every object and has a reference to the prototype.

NB : Object.prototype is on the top of the prototype inheritance chain , its --proto-- has a reference to NULL .

So, how prototype chaining works with es6 classes?

To answer this question, we have to understand how this magic word class works really under the hood with a concrete example.

Class & constructor & new

We are going to create a class person with a constructor taking a name and lastName parameters besides a sayHello method.

Person class

Declaring a class makes a lot of work under the hood thanks to Class keyword.

  • It creates a function as well as an object both called "Person", the Person function has a subtitle constructor that gets invoked when we instantiate the class.
  • It adds the sayHello method to the prototype property of the Person object Person.prototype. Class keyword

When class Person is instantiated with "Harry" and "Kane" arguments, they get assigned respectively to and this.lastName.

But wait what is this here?

When we instantiate a class with the new keyword three things happen behind the scene :

  • A new empty object gets created and assigned to this.
  • --proto--property of this object get assigned to Person.prototype, namely this.--proto-- = Person.prototype.
  • It returns the object created. New keyword

Therefore , person will hold an object with two properties: name="Harry", lastName="Kane" and person.--proto-- = Person.prototype.

Extends & super

Now let's dive deep into this paradigm and create a new class Employee that "inherits" from Person class.

To do that we use the extends keyword as demonstrates the example below.

Employee class

When we instantiate Employee class the constructor gets invoked with the additional function super.
super(name,lastName) is equivalent to this= new Person(name,lastName) , excepting, the object created will not be linked to Person.prototype but to Employee.prototype. In other words, this.--proto-- = Employee.prototype.


From this example we conclude that Class feature is just a facade to object-oriented languages with a prototypal environment. It is syntactic sugar to prototype nature of javascript.

Top comments (5)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ

Just because JS uses prototypal inheritance rather than class based inheritance, doesn't mean it isn't object-oriented

hssanbzlm profile image
Hssan Bouzlima

But the manner of how object-oriented paradigm is achieved is different than the classical object-oriented programming language like java.

jcubic profile image
Jakub T. Jankiewicz

Note that Java way is not the only way. I think that the first OOP was in smalltalk that was completely different than Java. So you can't use that JS is not real OOP because it's not like Java. that way you can say that JS is not functional because it's not like Haskell, which make no sense at all. JavaScript is Object oriented even without ES6 classes, but use different approach then Java.

jcubic profile image
Jakub T. Jankiewicz

I was reading or watching video of Kyle Simpson (aka Getify) that classical classes are not exactly 1-1 map to prototypal inheritance, there is one or two cases where they work differently.

hssanbzlm profile image
Hssan Bouzlima

In this article I explained what really happens behind the scene with keywords "class" "extends" "super" "new".